Monday, September 30, 2013

An Electromagnetic Needle In The Thread

An EMF Coincidence In Anomalies? 

In my essay regarding what I termed "Non Material Extraterrestrials" this theory suggested that EMF was a thread that connected such disparate phenomenon such as crop circles (microwave), anomalous atmospheric sound disturbances  (cymetics) as well as other aspects of a advanced nature using the same principles found all around us specifically those found in communications systems. 

If this theory is correct would there be potential evidence that these unusual energy signatures create physiological effects in a close proximity to witnesses and observers as a strong possibly in relation to a broader spectrum of effects.
There are two known categories of EMF radiation. One being non ionized radiation has sufficient energy only for excitation, the movement of an electron to a higher energy state.,and the other is ionized radiation which is kinetic to the point of being a much stronger field.
Interestingly the effects of ionized radiation is relegated to the proximity of apparent anomalous vehicles while in flight, while non ionized fields appear to be confined to being in proximity to anomalous creatures rather than the stronger field that would be produced by such a vehicle. So it may be we have a correlation between the strength of these two fields and the level of exposure, which, at first glance, appears to be a match.

Is this simply coincidental, or, is there a series of clues as to the nature of these experiential anomalies yet to be determined?

Another Coincidence Atop Another?

 The scientific community remains in a quandary over the effects of non ionizing radiation resulting from exposure to electromagnetic fields and the list of possible effects includes headache, eye irritation, dizziness, nausea , skin rash, facial swelling, weakness, fatigue , pain in joints  and/or muscles, buzzing/ringing in ears, skin numbness, abdominal pressure and pain, nose bleeds, breathing difficulty, and irregular heartbeat. Additional symptoms have been reported in some individuals such as paralysis, balance problems, body and/or muscle spasms, convulsions, confusion, depression , difficulty in concentrating, seizure, sleep disturbances, and memory difficulties. 

In researching EMF field in relation to alleged alien abduction scenarios as well as close encounter scenarios, some common biophysical effects include paralysis, fatigue,migraine headaches, ringing in the ears,confusion,  eye and skin. irritations, nausea, difficulty in breathing sleep disturbances, electrical malfunctions in proximity to the witness and nosebleeds.
The nose bleeds are puzzling although they are cited in non fortean cases of EMF exposure, but without the necessary details for which, at the time of this writing, for which I am still searching.That being said, the closest match in terms of rcognized causes for nose bleeds are inflammatory infections

Is this connection to known physiological effects due to EMF and those of close encounters with anomalies simply to be dismissed as coincidental? 

Yet,on a more accepted level within the scientific community,it is thought there may be a linkage between cell phone usage over a long period and biophysic effects on the human body, and there is an increasing  focus of genetic susceptibility to these fields. There are simply too many citations to list here concerning EMF physiological effects. One example is The American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) which released a position paper on EMF and radiofrequency (RF) health effects saying they recognize that patients are being adversely impacted by electromagnetic frequency (EMF) and radiofrequency (RF) fields and are becoming more electromagnetically sensitive.
EMF exposure has been the subject of a World Health Organization global summit regarding how to address a currently unaddressed phenomenon in relation to these effects requiring further research.

Ionized EMF Effects On Electrical Devices

Anyone who has researched unknown aerial phenomenon is familiar with another form of EMF radiation in regard to it's ionizing the local atmosphere resulting in various malfunctions of devices that utilize the same effect by tightly controlling it. This effect has been seen in the malfunctions of everything from radios, car ignition systems, battery operated devices all the way to missle control systems.
 This effect is recognized by the scientific community in relation to radiation hardening which is the act of making electronic components and systems resistant to damage or malfunctions caused by ionizing radiation (particle radiation and high-energy electromagnetic radiation), such as those encountered in outer space, high-altitude flight, around nuclear reactors, particle accelerators, during nuclear accidents or nuclear warfare.
Most semiconductor electronic components are susceptible to radiation damage; radiation-hardened components are based on their commercial equivalents, with some design and manufacturing variations that reduce the susceptibility to this radiation damage.
This appears to be yet another example which not only ties to the associated physiological effects of these fields by their strength but also fleshes out the connection between the two, bearing in mind we are not dealing with simply material objects as my theory suggests, but rather a form of sentience that presents itself as an energy signature.

Field Strengths and Parabolic Waves

Measurement of ambient temperature  relies on combined effects of radiation, humidity, temperature and wind speed and of course this leads to another factor in the production of any effect and this has been the subject of a variety of such effects on living organisms. Weather conditions may play a role that has yet to be correlated to these anomalies in relation to EMF.
One might consider the parabolic waves of anomalous activity in this regard ( which we already know to be localized and transient) to be the result of amplification by local weather conditions.

Manipulated Plasmas and EMF

This will be a subject for the next post...

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Metaphysicality: Autocells and Evolution

One of the themes that interest this writer that is reflected in the content of this blog is the self organization of living systems as it relates to evolution, which I last visited by posting a video by Dr Kaku on free will and physics, as well as in my own thesis of "Non Material Extraterrestrials" in terms of life requiring more and more complex systems as a developmental process which we share.

Here is a fascinating essay on same

Reciprocal catalysis and self assembly give each other a helping hand, as each produces what the other one needs. Reciprocal catalysis produces a local concentration of molecules, but without anything to keep them in place, they will soon wander so far apart that they will no longer be able interact. However, the local concentration of molecules is just what self assembly needs to build a barrier around the catalysts, thus encapsulating them.
"The very thing that you need to do to keep these independent catalysts together is what they produce as a consequence," said Deacon. "The result is that containers contain the stuff that is necessary to make them."

Read more at:

Reciprocal catalysis and self assembly give each other a helping hand, as each produces what the other one needs. Reciprocal catalysis produces a local concentration of molecules, but without anything to keep them in place, they will soon wander so far apart that they will no longer be able interact. However, the local concentration of molecules is just what self assembly needs to build a barrier around the catalysts, thus encapsulating them.
"The very thing that you need to do to keep these independent catalysts together is what they produce as a consequence," said Deacon. "The result is that containers contain the stuff that is necessary to make them."

Read more at:

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The Pretense of Contention

 “The major problems in the world are the result of the difference between how nature works and the way people think”
― Gregory Bateson

It is evident to this writer that I have moved beyond the immanent into a realm of speculation unlike my peers who remain buried in a zoology of pretense. Neo-materialsm appears to be an overlay in relation to the research of anomalies that suggest otherwise. Science is a invaluable platform that is probing deeper into what I have termed intangible materiality. Whether we recognize spirituality and it's role in research, it is there none the less, beyond our current edicts and dogmas.
If I asked you to define Wahhabism or Salafism, could you? Yet this is at the core of Mideast conflicts.
Who has researched this as a platform in order to understand these conflicts?. An example of illiteracy due to a lack of context..

Whether we explore intellectualism, science or the arts, this impetus of the spiritual is evident regardless of how deeply it has been buried which represents the force of unanswered questions.
In my study of 11th Century metaphysics there appeared the use of logic to address spiritual questions, specifically in the renaissance that took place in Andalusia, Spain. Then there are the great libraries that preserve the recording of such efforts whose books are slowly succumbing to dust such as in the example of Timbuktu.

When I wrote the extended essay on "Non Material Extraterrestrials" it naturally occurred to me that to a great extent it would fall on deaf ears inasmuch as research into the invaluable knowledge gained from our forebears is missing from the platform of our considerations which then, in turn, leads to illiteracy if we do not know what past surveys of these questions are missing from a dialog in the present.
Most writers on the anomalous do not avail themselves of this basis of comparisons which seems to be driven by the neo-materialism of our predominant technological sciences.
It comes as no surprise that the example of the Roswell  conundrum as a road block or a hermetically sealed diversion is an apt example of a framework being hoisted by it's own pretard of materialism brought to bear on a subject matter that exhibits anything but a material basis in the classical sense.

Does it surprise us that so much of what we term the anomalous is deconstructive in nature?

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The Zero In Light of Embryos and Transubstantiation

 "Common experience is the gold reserve which confers an exchange value on the currency which words are; without this reserve of shared experiences, all our pronouncements are checks drawn on insufficient funds."
-Rene Daumal

Are you and I embryonic from another platform of perspective? We identify and translate by language in the triangulation of semiotics. In these relationships of experiential hexities, is there yet another relationship  that remains yet deeply buried to us? A relationship  that remains incommensurable to us? Are we in the process of using experiential transubstantiation as a bootstrapping exercise comparable to that of a fetal cord in a womb?
If our sustenance is a means, and not an end onto itself that unfolds as it is enfolded in a germination of yet another modality of sentience as a expansion of complexity it may be that our natural state being bewilderment is no surprise in this context. And yet we are encircled by pronouncements that seemingly do not recognize their own contingent a background to free will, like the amber that preserves a dead insect.
Everything in every state has to  considered in the light of the fact that even nothing is a something and this relationship is perpetually unfolding. There is no zero. Zero is an artifact that is a placeholder for an enigma that has no place in pronouncements and yet transactional relationships are formatted as a zero sum that is unaware we exist in a state of embryonic transubstantiation.This is indeed a species with high strangeness and we may represent a mutation from within this amber of neolithic culture that presents itself as trained monkeys riding bicycles.
Perhaps altruistic subversion of art  is called forth in response to this surrealism that is a philosophic underpinning of dialectic materialism no matter how infinitely miniscule its influence may be,
Do you think so?

Thursday, September 12, 2013

The Science Delusion

An excellent article courtesy of the always interesting Fortean Times magazine that contains an in depth analysis of Rupert Sheldrake's views of "The Science Delusion" I was surprised to find how many of his views parallel my own.

His website:

The censored and excised TED X video of Sheldrake's presentation at same

The Snake Eats Its Tale

 In the last post I responded to directly addresses a question from a reader of this blog. Why do you shy away from expressing your own anomalous experiences? Originally this reluctance came from detraction from the subject matter as I expressed this also in the last post in that frameworks can be like spider webs , like tools to catch sustain ourselves... but we end up becoming mesmerized by our own creations whether it is positivist intellectualism or the artist who created a role for his or her self in their creative universes. Despite this, I tried to provide examples in that post wherein I played a role of intent in other frameworks, more as a probe beyond that of a participant.
Where did all this begin for me? This is the final and second response to that query.
My own narrative begins in 1968.
At a young age, I became enthralled with the practice of  physical yoga. I was also fascinated by my contemporaries experimentation with with such pharmaceuticals as LSD. There was a certain band at that time, and a best friend at that time, whose sister was romantically involved with a member, who had access by way of a dentist to what was then legal commercially manufactured LSD by way of Sandoz. My friend Jim and I discussed the ins and outs of obtaining this mind altering pharmaceutical as well as our use of it.
In the midst of this, I ruminated the synthesis of physical yoga with this substance as an experiment. I was also influenced by Ouspensky's and Daumal's nascent experimentation's, both of whom I respected. I was wary, but not wary enough to shrug off this possible experiment.
On the night of this experiment, I made sure that I was both alone and in a safe environment, I think, also there was a sort of youthful romanticism at play then, akin to hanging by one finger atop a cliff.
I assumed a sitting posture with my spine aligned as straight as I could manage. All sorts of imaginative forms waxed and waned within me, as well as my own thoughts resulting from them which I attempted to keep at arms length. In a split second, I was no longer there or here, if you will as there as nothing comparable. What is a close description came decades later from a friend who is a forensic psychologist.
He termed this experience, a download. What I experienced was a series of interconnected but discrete environments. They are in order:
1. I was above a shining sea. Between myself and this sea was a white bird. A voice that encompassed me said "The universe is transformation and if that transformation should cease, the universe would be like the flight of the bird who turns to stone and fall into the sea."The bird did so, seeming to fall for miles.
2. I was at the periphery of a group of five individuals in the midst of a conference among themselves. Their faces were blurred. Everything else was crystal clear.They were perched on a platform or plaza between a series of steps that led to a odd temple or library like building. They were animated in their discussion just out of earshot. I gathered up my courage and approached one of them. "What are you discussing?"
"What to do about your species/"
They continued in their discussions as I stood among them. They either ignored my presence or were unaware of me, or so it seemed. One advocated a biological solution. Another.advocated a psychological solution. Another advocated that they owned this mistake and to do anything further was a worse mistake.
Another advocated an environmental solution to lessen the population. It seemed as if or I assumed they were speaking among themselves either during a break in a larger conference, or, prior to it, or afterward.
The one I approached said "See?"
My response was sufficient 'No"
His expression was one of mild exasperation..
"We have no physicality as you define it. Our solutions must by our nature to be indirect in relation to your species and yet your species by our own error pose a threat to a larger environment."
"If what you are is not physical, how can you affect anything?"
"One of us created a container that's like an artificial reference point that to your location is omnipresent, where we can navigate your universe." (at this point I am paraphrasing)
3. I watched as if watching a film or a simulation, a prolonged series of human tribal conflicts.Again a wrap around narrator that came from nowhere and everywhere spoke.
" In our world, all conflicts are resolved by art, expression and the result of this is a synthesis of creation, yet we like you are fallible"
4. I saw what seemed like differentiation of what appeared to be a synthesis of musical composition and light.Light as a channel. The closest visual equivalent are the animations that are presented as representations of fractals. Close but no cigar.
5. I was in a dreary swamp, humid, dark, fetid. A beam of light was shot into the dark dank still water. Within this beam there were evolving skeletal forms that were pulled upward, metamorphosing from simple forms to more complex forms.
6. This is hard to describe. It was a channel of reflected light between what were either stars or planets that were connected to #5 as above.

As if something had flipped a switch, I was back as disoriented and as miserable as I could be. I sought sleep which did not come for hours. The whole episode was in a matter of a second or two.

At this juncture, I must say that I do not advocate the use of drugs. What others do and do not do, outside of my opinion is another matter.I am both agnostic and intrigued by this experience, many a decade ago.
In the next post I will describe the aftermath and that will be the final expression of this episode. So, to my correspondent, I mustered the courage as Rilke said at the top of this masthead to communicate the strange as it personally set me off on a journey of doubt.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Lost And Found In Frameworks and Spider Webs: Notes From A Native Surrealist

"And yet, and yet . . . Denying temporal succession, denying the self, denying the astronomical universe, are apparent desperations and secret consolations. Our destiny is not frightful by being unreal; it is frightful because it is irreversible and iron-clad. Time is the substance I am made of. Time is a river which sweeps me along, but I am the river; it is a tiger which destroys me, but I am the tiger; it is a fire which consumes me, but I am the fire. The world, unfortunately, is real; I, unfortunately, am Borges." Jorge Luis Borges-- Essay: "A New Refutation of Time," 1946

 “Equally, the surrealists consider words as witnesses of life acting in a direct way in human affairs. To use words properly it was necessary to treat them with respect, for they were the intermediaries between oneself and the rest of creation. To abuse them was immediately to set oneself adrift from true being. Words need to be coaxed to reveal a little of their true nature, so as to close the breach that exists between the writer and the universe. The world is not something alien against which man is in conflict. Rather man and cosmos exist in reciprocal motion. We are not cast adrift in an alien or meaningless environment. The universe is intimate with us and, as Breton insisted, it is a cryptogram to be deciphered.”
― Michael Richardson, Dedalus Book of Surrealism 2: The Myth of the World

 "The spirit of life was in them: death can do nothing against the dawning light; death is but a cardboard mask soon consumed by fire. Behind the black flag - which is nothing other than an anti-flag - the garden of all possibilities is hidden, opening out infinitely to the sea." — Bernard Roger

This is a story of the intellect and the artist and the role each assumes by the chair they have chosen to sit in . Our culture could be considered the metaphor of the three bears exploring Goldilocks's furniture, or perhaps musical chairs. As Gurdjieff said, this experiment of not having a chair poses it's own issues. Madness among them. We have many examples of chairs as frames. In our age, it is technology. In earlier epochs, it was religious wars and the competition for natural resources. The immaterial nature of these chairs that produce real results. In this age it is the mind, not the body that has become a territorial prerogative aided and abetted by various competing forms of propaganda versus literal armies....
You could say all of this represents taking a position in order to have the references needed for a transactional exchange. Another way of putting this, is the taking on of a role. In this as Nick Redfern pointed out, the line between fictions and non fictions become blurred. I am reminded of "Penny Lane"
..."On the corner of the roundabout, theres a pretty nurse selling poppies from a tray. Although she feels as if shes  in a play, she is anyway." The prosaic as a anomaly.

1. Lost
 “It is living and ceasing to live that are imaginary solutions. Existence is elsewhere.” -Andre Breton

I have been exchanging comments on Richard Reynolds blog, "The UFO Iconoclast" while in recovery from neurosurgery. I consider Richard to be a friend, like many, whom I have never met. His last post mildly excoriated comments from a previous post,in which  my own were included. The title of his post was "Ufology’s need to seem erudite causes intellectual chaos" I responded but my comment was not published. I sent an e-mail which went unanswered. In some relationships, silence itself can be a response. One could say I have turned a corner in that common sense dictates that shoveling sand into the tide repeatedly indicates a misdirection on my part. File this under "Lost" 
Knowlege having a loftier place in existence rather than being. In this Richard played the role of an unwitting messenger as perhaps we all are. He remains my friend.
I also consider readers of this blog to be friends that I have never met. Prior to my temporal excommunication from the realm that Richard occupies, my mind was despairing of all things intellectual, and so perhaps the situation with Richard was kismet.  Also during this time, I wrote an essay on Mac Tonnies which will never be published due the fact, I sensed it's intent would not be understood in the correct context. It cut too close to the bone.Oddly, Richards post concerned his projections of others context. Another synchronicity whose subject were the pretenses of the intellect.
As a child roaming through the grasslands of Illinois, the horizon seemed infinite and yet here I am. 
For days prior to this, a song kept repeating within me.

At the end of the essay, I wrote this segment of the whole, entitled "Dialogs" and again, the theme was the loss of friends I have never met. Rereading the draft lent me an insight into the intellectual despair I was feeling.

"The old man cajoled me with a sort of weary disposition."perhaps where there is no truth, there must be artistic invention." The idealist within me rebelled at this nihilism served as a  desert.He could read my consternation. "Well then, your friend has invented himself on a great adventure expressed as a dream if you read his work accurately. Perhaps it is a form of grace he died in his sleep"
"Perhaps death has a vividness of it's own from which we will be born" His lips curled with a wan smile and then he countered "To what? You are already participating in something much greater than yourself and as a consequence, it is something you have no control over, except perhaps the exception being your approach to it" That struck me as the first thing he said that was insightful. "I like the images that come from the word approach as a verb, and it may be we are created by contrasts, a sort of embryonic being..created by the dynamism of self creation, something unknown that has yet to set foot on it's own."
"Who or what he represented in the deepest sense is unknown to you, so there may be some truth in that..but you remember him, even now without knowing him, and I suggest to you to continue to do so."
"So he will never be alone."

In this sense, I felt my being was like a unwieldy large ship turning hard to port, and of course such a contrivance does not turn on a dime.I sensed rather than thought I should re-immerse myself in the complex yet cogent cosmologies of Ibn Al Arabi whose intellect is astonishing and simultaneously observed "that God is the conclusive argument" in relation to self disclosure. I was in dire need of the transcendent as I indirectly alluded to, in my latest post entitled "Suspension"

I remembered also, Gurdjieffs cosmology which included the concept ( musical and otherwise) of intervals. The pertinence of this was his suggestion that in a interval of transition ( which I subconsciously) called suspension, results in a flood of  knowledge being released, and, depending where it falls, it can lead to evolution or continued stasis  Then enter a lost friend in the midst of this inexplicably reappears from nowhere, or if you will,   a state of suspension, and without any communication from me, not knowing how to reach me she resurrects our dialog that continues where it ended some four years ago. It was as if I was stumbling in a darkened room and mysteriously, a switch had been turned to illuminate my surroundings. Something was afoot, invisible, cogent and aware that seemed to wax and wane, and it had returned to enfold me. 

 I find out a lot about myself by sleeping. Dreams, they are who I am when I’m too tired to be me.”
― Jarod Kintz, This Book is Not for Sale

The, another clue appeared, indirect, on topic a synchronicity regarding synchronicity itself. The velocity of a force unknown to me and yet an indistinct part of me reappeared to make its presence known.A strange transcendence began to be clarified in this Library that was so aptly named by Borges. This short essay by Nick closely mirrors Ibn Al Arabi's cosmology as to how the universe images and our role within the universe through imagination.
 "The skeptic would doubtless discount and dismiss such anomalies by relegating them to the domains of hoaxing, mistaken identity or coincidence – or, perhaps, even a weird combination of all three. Yet, these are but just two examples of many from my files of cases where imagination – and, it appears, intense imagination – can ultimately, and radically, become something else...

 “The imaginary is what tends to become real.”
― AndrĂ© Breton

2. A Dark Tide

 “I have forced myself to contradict myself in order to avoid conforming to my own taste.”
― Marcel Duchamp

This potion concerns the arc of a series of events that culminated in my finding my 21 year old son apparently asleep on the living room couch as I ventured downstairs on a bright December morning. It did not take long to ascertain he was dead cold after attempting to roust him. I kissed his forehead and closed his eyes and walked into the kitchen, furious, wounded, my heart was broken. I stood at the sink and felt as though I was sinking into a pit devoid of light. I cried out into a silence that was more silence than silence itself. To this day I have bouts of post traumatic stress and survivor's guilt.
A month before this, my 85 year old mother was visiting my wife and I and the three of us were somewhat absently watching television, chatting off and on. I glanced her way and saw her head swiveled around to look directly at the front door.Astonishingly, she was obviously very disturbed and over what I could not imagine. My wife noticed me looking at her and then she saw my mother being upset.My mother is a no nonsense, humorous person and not overly fond of melodramatics.
"Whats wrong?"
"I think I saw Death walk through the front door. It was a black shadow. You might think I am crazy but that's what I saw." 
Some weeks later, I was beginning to sense without a modicum of any rationality an unmistakable image of a invisible dark storm approaching that I could not shake, somewhat like a tornado's wake, it would leave destruction in it's path. I had long since forgotten about my own mothers strange and out of character outburst. It's only in retrospect, do I note the indications of the beginning of this tale's parabola.
 At the time I had a blog entitled "Intangible Materiality" During the course of these events , I never mentioned these events, on those pages or to anyone else. My apparent, inexplicable sensitivity to some dark future event, or, if you, will a sense of doom that was seeping into manifesting itself was like the hydraulic force of water pressure making the basement walls of a home slowly seep, while, I , unknowingly went about my business as usual, despite this uneasiness.

3.A Friend Vanishes  To Reappear

 “I believe in the future resolution of these two states, dream and reality, which are seemingly so contradictory, into a kind of absolute reality, a surreality, if one may so speak.”
― AndrĂ© Breton, Manifestoes of Surrealism

 During the writing of Intangible Materiality, it's audience grew steadily and stands as I write this with about 700,000 customers served. Although archived on line, it still draws a respectable amount of traffic and comments, although it was abandoned after these events had transpired. Also during this time, I began to have lengthy e-mail exchanges with Coral Hull, an artist who lived in Australia. She became another friend that I have never met.
Eventually, after discussing innumerable topics, she sent me a revised draft of a book for a new edition of "Walking With Angels: The RSKP Journals" to look over. This was her diary of her experiences in book form, of strange events that had followed her at one time If one likes terms, it is about encountering the paranormal . Unknown to me, at that time she had traveled to Scotland and at the same times, my dreams had turned into something I have never encountered before or since.. These were blurred static images the presented themselves in a format that would slowly be focused into a sharp image. They were highly strange but innocuous. An image of people on a bus, a building, faces. This continued for two days. I mentioned them to my son. His response was "Weird..:
The third night there was an image of a face I have never forgotten, especially the expression he portrayed toward me, as the blurred image came into focus, it was then I was astounded to find, it seemed as though it were alive, This was someone who seemed corrupted by his own knowledge with a toxic sense of cynicism that had indelibly tainted him and yet he seemed presciently intelligent. I mentioned this to no one. 
She was making a pilgrimage to the notoriously toxic Greyfrairs Cemetery, After the shit had hit the fan, I suggested it was incredibly naive for a woman of her sensitivities to engage certain environments with a sense of empathy, altruism, especially engaging certain parasitic creatures with openness when their motive is to regain a half life at any cost, specifically your own cost as a voluntary host. Sensitivities can be a blessing or a curse depending on the nature of a transactional exchange. But I am getting off subject as I am prone to do, as Richard has said many times.    

Although I did not know it at the time,this countenance would lead to Coral vanishing from the face of the Earth or so it seemed for several years. I asked another friend, an editor who was also in Australia to see if he could locate her. His response was negative and he added, "maybe she got religion"
Today, as I had said at the beginning of this post, I was in despair of the intellectualism above held above states of being. I suppose that some occurrences happen faster than the speed of thought as more of an effect than an origin of self awareness. On a simultaneous whim provoked by my depression, I entered "Coral Hull" on Google. Here is what I found. What she does not mention or reveal in this, despite the exchanges cited, is our final correspondence. Again, Nick Redfern's musings on imagination creating realities comes to mind...

See Note at the bottom of this page

4. Frameworks and Spider Webs

“To behold something more than life, one must scoop out the eye of plausibility with a spoon. Join the born fakes of surrealism eating the cornflakes of cerealism.”
― Bauvard, Evergreens Are Prudish

Coral joined the Pentecostal Church, which I think as I put it back then, she required the framework of a safe harbor, a belief system that integrated her rather than tore her apart.Richard, on the other hand uses the intellect as a framework. Then there is the contrast between the artists conception of the world and themselves as characters within it such as Mac Tonnies as opposed to those who build frameworks from positivism, like Richard whether it is personal or a means of expression in intellectual pursuits as transactional exchanges. 

 I suspect any framework poses the danger of becoming similar to a spider spinning a web for sustenance, only to become trapped within it's own strategy.And then there is Nick Redfern who seems to tie this together, in posing the link between imagination and reality, where the former creates the latter. Then we can insert the religious nature of warfare, whether it is patriotism as a religion, or opposing frameworks, opposing political parties and so forth. These frames  remind me of the use of crutches, or the hard shell of a coruscation. It seems that for many the best defense against the universe is a good offensive line. Game strategies based on what is seen as a dualism, the outside is opposed to the inside when it comes to human nature. Me? Perhaps I am still in search of a chair, however, I'd rather walk than sit.
I take your leave by way of quoting Andre Breton 

"But we, who have made no effort whatsoever to filter, who in our works have made ourselves into simple receptacles of so many echoes, modest recording instruments who are not mesmerized by the drawings we are making, perhaps we serve an even nobler cause."

Note: You might note that in my correspondence to Coral, I never once associated what she experienced as being, in any way, being directly or indirectly associated with George MacKenzie. When I saw the account she posted some four months ago, she inferred  a sort of collaborative agreement from me concerning her opinion, which seemed to be instead, influenced by both local lore, as well as her own sense of certainty about this. One other comment is that the account she furnishes seems to be disorganized and scatter shot when I compare it to the draft of a manuscript she wrote at that time( which I reviewed) which was much more cogent. This causes me some concern from a distance in regard to her state these days which I hope is better than what it appears to be. I view Coral's case as being atypical of an artist who scripts his or her self into a transpersonal work such as a play wherein larger forces directly or indirectly influence them to an extraordinary extent, in effect cases of the latter micromanaging an individual..The discernment between being influenced and being micromanaged is striking. You can draw your own conclusions in psychological terms.
Why Not MacKenzie? His reputation as demonic or bloody MacKenzie is the local political turned metaphysical. It was his accepted duty at the time to abide by the letter of the law despite his own opinions. Interestingly, when given more freedom as a Judge during witchcraft prosecutions, he demonstrated a knowledge of the fact that these were nearly all trumped up cases in his decisions, and later wrote a dissertation in the form of a memoir about these cases, wherein he was a man of the enlightenment as flawed as he or we all are.He attempted to apply rational thinking to paranoia and abuse. Undoubtedly , Coral, in MacKenszie's time would have been a fair target for the accusation of witchcraft and just as reasonably, it could be said MacKenzie would have found her not guilty, thus sparing her life.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Anomalous Atmospheric Sound Energy

Many of my recent posts have, as a portion of their content, my musings on the relationships between information and energy when this situational symbiosis results in the manifestation of anomalies. The latest being the post titled "The Energy Theory of Anomalous Atmospheric Phenomenon" Another being on cyclic anomalies and predictability. Here is a real life example for your consideration, is one of a very recent series of anomalous atmospheric sound energy effects that has the local residents, as well as experts, in a small Canadian community, apparently stumped as to their origin. Take note of what I find an interesting clue, which is the distribution of the population in terms of the percentage of those whose senses can hear it versus those who cannot and of course hearing capabilities as far as the range of frequencies that can be received by any one individual, varies. That much we do know. This precursive signalling ( those who hear them as a comparatively small percentage versus who just cannot) appears to be related to the arc of a wave spectrum that at it's peak , allows the sound to be heard without the enhanced hearing by genetics of a relatively few individuals, to being easily recorded directly. In another words, it is once again, at least to me, representative of a wave phenomenon that has a repetitive peak.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


“It only takes two facing mirrors to build a labyrinth.” 
― Jorge Luis Borges

Can a bird perched on the tree branch imagine what experiential reality is for a human being, or vice versa? We can intellectually simulate such a state through the imagination as to what it's connection to the environment may be, in terms of awareness, or for that matter, self awareness, but, as they say, never the twain shall meet from the perspective of one another, and yet both are indelibly linked, and entangled one into the other toward the inexplicable, without reference, we are reduced to a poverty of expression by the use of similarities which have no axis.

As Borges observed, “The original is unfaithful to the translation.” 

The subject of this post are the distinctions we draw in our defining of what constitutes a state of symbiosis, and the relationships between mind and matter as both being representative of host organisms that have no choice as if to conspire toward a design, rather it may be the efficacy of dreams upon a variety of hosts in a symbiotic relationship.
The lucidity of contingent expressions is that while they are material (only to made so by our senses), as the physicality of a metaphor, all of life is symbolic in essence and are not simply an expression of process. Always a work in progress, a sketch, an idea...of a incommensurable imagination that rearranges the nature of relationships. it may never make up it's mind, so to speak, and if it did, all would redact into an incomprehensible vacuum that would contain nothing but delimited possibilities. Could this be so?.

We cannot experience another species reality directly. There are hints, there are clues in behavior that are more defined as behavioral effects that give an indication that there are cracks in the walls of the respective membranes we inhabit.
Our instincts between species seldom match pragmatically, nor our respective languages , yet there is a modicum of awareness between the bird and the human being. We are scripted for a role in performance, yet there is more to these relationships than meet the eye, the intellect or the heart.  This variant of a inherited blindness as to the true nature of other species contradicts what we would consider knowledge and yet no knowledge is ever transmitted directly to us, which makes for an interesting aspect of discernment in regard to learning how to learn. I am not referring to rote repetition rather,I have in mind is learning without any intent to do so, the disclosure of subtle and yet transformative knowledge that seeks us as a matter of a coherence that I suspect exists in the incommensurable aspects of consciousness itself. It is as if we are on an errand, measuring, gathering, borrowing, which on it's own terms appears to be autonomic and senseless and yet in the arc of elliptical orbit, we bring with us, what we have gathered to be added to an aggregate sum.

"A book is more than a verbal structure or series of verbal structures; it is the dialogue it establishes with its reader and the intonation it imposes upon his voice and the changing and durable images it leaves in his memory. A book is not an isolated being: it is a relationship, an axis of innumerable relationships.” 
― Jorge Luis Borges

The vehicle of personality may fall away as the used stage of a proverbial booster rocket. The single cell becomes what it is contained within as a singularity in the process of becoming.One has to ask then if the host organism of a genetic code has an equivalence in the self organisation of  consciousness? A causal chain of distinctions in a feedback loop to the host organism, which, in this case if the material universe. Referents or distinctions freed from environmental referents other than further distinctions that may exist outside of our own measurements of space time. Is this eternity, a proverbial heaven? This possibility arose from Dr John C Lilly's experiments in sensory isolation experiments, as well as in other contexts of research.
Here is an interesting sidebar to this post:
Perhaps in this there is no discernible difference between the bird and the human being, or the dolphin, or the whole of a separable holographic memory, that once created as a discernment can only be subject to modification by further entries in a suspension of becoming..drawn here or there akin to finding a organic begins here or there as a opportunistic mutation..perhaps as a wayward seed in search of symbiosis.
The physical universe then  is painted as a host mosaic under the influence of what cannot be directly experienced, much like the nature of the experiential pointillism of another species consciousness. . This would be the inverse of our current mindsets regarding the relationship of the environment to the inhabitants as being separate entities, and yet we do recognise that one informs the other. Something is missing.
The question is, can a distinction as a matter of a genomic intelligence ( that is self organised energy as a quantum of information) transverse between two environments, two hosts,while not directly following each set of rules of engagement between the material and the immaterial? Is there a form of symbiosis we have yet to recognise that falls within the terms of the anomalous? What form could it take..and why? More sketches of the intangible to follow.