Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Energy as Information and Death

I came across this recording of Carl Jung toward the end of his life and after watching and listening to this balancing act that can be more likened to his voicing his suspicions rather than set beliefs, left me with the impression that this would be a fitting epilog in yet another medium to the last post entitled "Neither Living Nor Dead" regarding the mysteries of information in all of it's modalities, material as well as immaterial.
One could liken this to the relation between the cryptic and cryptology, as well as the manner in which we imagine various states to be with dealt with by repeatability and stereotyping as our adversarial stance against the unpredictable. Depending on our experiential references as a skewed barometer, it can be one or the other, but more than likely it is not fully either intent nor chaos that incorporates multilevular processing of the transformative milieu of being continually in a flux.

Inasmuch as Carl Jung no longer exists as he had and we have this mimicry of life at our disposal, through this digitised copy ( less a myriad of dimensionality), we take for granted that the dead can  speak to us indirectly, much in the manner I have suggested previously, in a cellular rather than sentient modality.

Instead of the localised coherency of  being enfolded into other environmental information, that can possibly be accessed to the neither living nor dead memory of organised energy we term "information", we simply press the "enter" button or "click" on arrows. Crude mimicry but effective perhaps as a metaphor for the last post.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Neither Living Nor Dead

A Note On The Ruminations of An Impossible Nature

In the psychological labyrinth of E.A Poe's Tell Tale Heart, a secret as well as evidence is buried beneath the floor of the murderer's home, and yet, without the sense of sound, a persistent beating heart is heard by the protagonist. In Thomas Wolfe's novels, the persistence of memory as a perceived sanctuary of the heart in the iconography of the past percolates below the surface of the present.
The inescapable haunting of memory once a door has been closed, the setting long vanished in the play of life, has it's mirror image in experiential ghosts of an entanglement witnessed in the living.
The seeming captivity of the mind, relentless and persistent that lingers under the dust, beneath proverbial floorboards and behind supposedly locked doors.
 Just as the incessant ghosts who continually repeat their behavior absurdly, even if this obsessive behavior means breaching the solidity of walls, or doors in their passage, one notes that the walls of the past that divide the present are no barrier to retrocausal passage in our own memory as the living who witness these holographic genomes of a life that no longer exists, and so good reader, where does it end?
Between the memory of the living and the memory of the dead, the catacomb of a library whose breadth and width have no referential comparison as to it's enormity, exists in it's own state and station without any comparison we could label such a locationless location with.
Departure and arrival are terms which have no meaning.
In a mirrored existence, this is our habitation in the cranium as well and in a sense, we haunt the surface of this planet as equal spectres, perhaps never arriving, never departing except in the crudest senses of the senses themselves and how narrow they are...
The circular face of the clock on the wall is the crudest of measurements that mirrors the axis of the sphere we become enmeshed with that knows no visible state of transformation except as the ticking of a proverbial ruler that only inhabits the provinces of the mind held in abeyance to the senses.
And in the same manner, the crudest of references etched by the senses is the pain of birth as a transformative state of dreams melded into flesh as flesh is transformed back to it's original state as the velocity of such a cellular rate declines and as such.... nothing is lost, misplaced or hidden behind these proverbial sealed rooms, neither "a tell tale heart" nor the affliction of memory that knows nothing either blameworthy or praiseworthy in of itself except by what is survivable..... what is being diminished by transformative states that refuse to be frozen in a steady state except by the contingent, which the contingent is always transitory, yet memory is not, except for a misbegotten quest for innocence in the metaphor of a Garden that we imagine is owned through possession of a monarchical madness rather than by the possesed nature of yet another memory of  that which is not of our own somatic species.

Wheels within wheels, are spinning in thin air, dancing and alighting here and there. Perhaps in search of what that may be from a larger gasp of a indecisive dream, attempting to imagine, not what we may be but what that may be, using these millions to form an equal number of investigators probing a dream that refuses to sit still for a self portrait, relentless beyond that which we can imagine.

Monday, April 22, 2013

A Review of The Gold Leaf Lady

Stephen E. Braude's memoirs of his field work in parapsychology begins with a veritable laundry list of criticism equally divided between the gullible and the skeptics alike which to my reading experience is something of a rarity and a breath of fresh air regardless of the fact that it seemingly represents a substantial chip carried on his shoulder. Who is Mr Braude?

Stephen E. Braude is an American philosopher and parapsychologist. He is a past president of the Parapsychological Association, Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Scientific Exploration, and a professor of philosophy at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. He is also an accomplished jazz pianist and composer. Braude received his Phd. in philosophy from the University of Massachusetts Amherst in 1971. After working as a lecturer in the philosophy department at UMass Amherst, he found a permanent home at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, working successively as an assistant, associate, and full professor. He served as the Chair of the Philosophy department between 1998 and 2005. He has received numerous fellowships, awards, and grants including but not limited to the National Endowment for the Humanities Research Fellowship, numerous grants from the Parapsychology Foundation, and the Distinguished Achievement Award of the International Society for the Study of Dissociation. He has also received several Faculty Research Grants from UMBC. Hopefully this provides some context.

One of several themes in this book is the enormous amount of difficulty he experienced with misrepresentations, over active imaginations and the skewing of results due to the fragile nature of the subjects in relation to their sensitivity toward the environment. Another is a very interesting observation on his part that often various phenomena occur to individuals who are experiencing stress, depression or simply have the misfortune to have a life immersed in bad luck. Yet, some surprising results are not diluted or affected by these these states of mind as in fact, according to Braude,  these biochemical changes, or susceptibility seem to be a marker for the probability of anomalous phenomenon occurring, which in of itself, is a somewhat provocative observation.
From Ted Serios to lesser known avatars Stephen runs the gauntlet despite continuing frustrations from both his subjects and his compatriots who are prone to exaggerations, making his quest all the more difficult and yet, he sticks to his journey like glue armed with what he terms, a crap detector. An unusual term coming from a University Professor of Philosophy such that it is, this is a frank and revealing book that to this author, that is  in stark contrast to most popular media infotainments and that is a compliment from yours truly.
If I (even once) read the so called terms, vortex or demon in this tome, I would have consigned it to the trash can... but fortunately, if anything, Mr Braude possess an open mind balanced with common sense, which is a quality you cannot learn in school or on television, for that matter.
Everything we learn in this field is from individuals like Braude who put up with formidable barriers and stereotypes as well as the sleazy and simplistic counter arguments of intellectually lazy skeptics.
It's a good read.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

A Review of The Exegesis of Philip K Dick

In the last post, I gave my review of the alchemical travails of "The Brotherhood of The Screaming Abyss" which is a biography of a search for The Philosopher's Stone through the eyes of Dennis McKenna, the ethnobiologist brother of the notorious counter-culture philosopher,Terence McKenna, whose quest was fueled by naturally occurring hallucinogens, or, if you will, mind altering chemicals.
This review on the other hand reflects an identical quest by the intellect and mind on it's own, fueled by a series of experiential anomalies as they occurred to Phillip K Dick, the dean and author of what are arguably, the last century's finest science fiction novels, loaded with intriguing themes and metaphors.
It strikes me, at times that the relationship between the author of any book and the reader is akin to weightlifting in the sense that some  authors delve into light subjects that one can skim through, or read without straining to lift the intellect and while entertaining, are often difficult to recall a week later. These notes and ruminations from the private letters and journals of Phillip K Dick definitely do not fall into this category of a light read and are the finest example of the rational intellect wrestling with an anomalous experience I have ever read. The flurry of theories, correspondences, self skepticism revelation and doubt have no peer in attempting to make the inexplicable understandable, while all along, pushing as hard as anyone I have ever read to derive a theory of everything that is coherent. Phillip wonders if he is, at times, psychotic, or prone to epilepsy, or some other malady, and the best I can say about the late author is that he is relentless. If there ever was a narrative that describes in first person, the journey between madness and brilliance, this is it.
This is not an easy read that one can digest in a single evening, even a week. As far as challenging this dense material ranks alongside William Chittick's translations of Ibn Al Arabi, or G.I Gurdjieff's "All and Everything" All of these can test one's own patience and at the same time, lure you into an alternative universe, foreign, provoking and very challenging in the sense that one has to think deeply with a modicum of focus to even begin to unravel what is presented, and this book is, as they used to say, a "heavy" read.
Dick mixes every possible combination of physics, psychology, Christianity, gnosticism, biology, psychology etc in his obsessive search for his own truth as it relates to a series of paranormal experiential realities he was assaulted with that haunted him till the end of his life. It somewhat recalled H.G Welles "The Mind At The End of Its Tether." as the metaphor for VALIS is God for Phillip K Dick......... and Dick, in his solitary journey through reverse causation, leaves no stone unturned as he struggles to move forward with any sense of certainty, lost between mysticism and science, madness and the insanity of reality as sold by culture's incessant messaging of cross purposes.

“There is no route out of the maze. The maze shifts as you move through it, because it is alive. ” 
― Philip K. Dick, VALIS

As life itself can be, this journey through the mind of Phillip K Dick can be exhausting and frustrating yet fascinating.. if we are up to the challenge of a heavy lifting exercise. Not for all tastes as his internal focus of the mind studying the mind has an echo in what I have read about Einstein's friend, Godel, who, at one time vanished much to the concern of Einstein who found that Godel had rented a small cabin. Upon reaching the cabin, Einstein found Godel walking along intently focused on a ordinary stick he carried with him as he walked as if in a daze.
"What are you doing, are you alright?" he asked.
"I am calculating how many points of intersection could be found in this stick" Lunacy? Brilliance? Self absorbed? Take your pick in penetrating the workings of such a mind, that at times, seems as much of a affliction as it does a gift. And so it is with Phillip K Dick through the perils of his journals.
I highly recommend this book .

Thursday, April 18, 2013

A Review of The Brotherhood of The Screaming Abyss

One could have subtitled this book The Perfect Storm.
This frank biography of the relationship between the two McKenna brothers deftly melds the ordinary with the extraordinary, while managing to balance both within historical and family contexts that more often than not were turbulent, as anyone who survived the Counterculture of the 1960's can easily recognize that era of experimentation as a familiar and yet unique story arc, as being the best of times and the worst of times with pratfalls and revelations, regrets and philosophical ruminations amidst the relentless violence of that era.

Terrence McKenna , the futurist, theorist and cultural gadfly as a philosophical explorer still speaks to us from the grave, as does Mac Tonnies in the digitized mirror of the Internet and yet, their combined presence ironically enough makes their absence in the ongoing dialog of life, ever the more stark.

Dennis McKenna, the author of this highly personal remembrance provoked an admiration from this author in managing to skillfully navigate  the nameless cartography that lies between psychosis and the genuinely anomalous while remaining grounded while probing the bioneurology of his own mind through a determined search for realities hidden in normal waking states, both reckless and brave as well as being often brilliant.

A portrait of both the author and his brother is framed with their both equally being products of their times, as well as leaving a unique biography that while being frank and personal, is also a historical document, rare and well written that leaves in the reader as many questions as it does answers.

This tome is not for those who disdain or avoid the topic of the willing participation of experimenters who ingest various substances to enter altered states. Be forewarned if you desire to avoid being disturbed, as it were. Recently, as some of you know, Graham Hitchcock's lecture on a very similar subject was recently erased and banned from TED and the excuse or rationalization for this act of censorship was that it was not scientific, that it promoted the use of naturally occurring hallucinogens. I suppose some ideas are too dangerous for some and the ability of an intelligent person to decide for themselves to determine what is this or that is interesting poses some sort of imagined threat. To whom this is a danger, eludes me.

Nonetheless, the reading of this biography is it's reward and the thin line between being a public persona and being tagged as a guru by the gullible is revealed as a the payment necessary for placing one's self in a spotlight, although the scrim of privacy is heavily and carefully lifted in this epilog to Terrence's life along the rocky path he chose to follow.
The dangers of buying one's own goods especially when ideas are your calling card is examined in the depression that followed his own recognition that the Time Wave theory was so seriously flawed it could not be revamped. The epilog to this journey occurred after his death from a fatal tumor as 2012 came and went with a whimper and not having his own predicted bang of any kind unless you discount the deeper morass that a technologically driven market economy has found itself in.
The emphasis on science fiction realities and comic book characterisations  of realities that are now so prevalent as to be a case of mistaken identity, also had a subtle influence in this unrequited search that swept two brothers as kindred spirits into a labyrinth seeking The Philosopher's Stone as an experiential, alternative to the brutality of their times.  

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Radio of A Squared Root In Valuation: Bending Space With Information

"So when I say that the contemporary approach to neuroscience is resting on unquestioned assumptions, I primarily have in mind the idea that consciousness is something that happens inside of you.  Look, if I said to you here is a dollar bill, let’s look at it and try to discover its value you’d say that’s crazy because the value isn’t in the dollar bill.  Where is it?  That’s an interesting question.  And then if you came to me and said "Look, I've got the best electron microscope in the world, let’s really study that dollar and try to find its value." No, you’re looking for the value in the wrong place.  And the idea I have is that the neuroscience of consciousness has been making that kind of mistake in assumption about where to look for an understanding of what consciousness is and how it happens, how it arises."
-Alva Noe

The Square Root of Value

Another poorly posed question is where does it go when the body ceases to function? Then "where" presumes that space has referents as we understand them from a map or simply using our visual sense and simulation of whats surround us, soaked with with transience and repeatability, all of which we inhabit in the exploration and exploitation that transcends internal space, navigated with referents, associations, and above all, a stubborn isolation in intimate company that seeks balm.   

In the last post, it seems evident that 19th Century Spiritualism is alive and well in the 21st, in search of value, aided and abetted by the weaknesses of human psychology, and yet there is almost a tactile sense of simple probability that there may be more hoaxes, misrepresentation and the products of imagination we utilise to deceive ourselves and others for a variety of needful purposes, as utilitarian and toxic and as intangible as these purposes are, they represent a false set of worth that almost certainly express a need, an empty space, as well as the unanswered question of consciousness itself  reading these words I have arranged. 
Coherence in of itself does not represent any substantive truth outside of the value we place upon it in a situation of wherein in many situations, we imagine the truth. Other times, we avoid it. Nonetheless  an elusive truth at the root consciousness remains the crest jewel of discernment that is buried nowhere in particular, but it is there...lacking a cartography matched to the landscape of a corpse.

Open Systems and The Indefinable Sacred As The Commodity of Value 

"The subtle relationship between the material things we meet with in our experience and the energy field that underlies them in the depth of the universe also transforms our view of life. Interactions with the quantum vacuum may not be limited to micro-particles: they may also involve macroscale entities, such as living systems. Life appears to be a manifestation of the constant if subtle interaction of the wave-packets classically known as 'matter' with the underlying vacuum field. These assumptions change our most fundamental notions of life. The living world is not the harsh domain of classical Darwinism, where each struggles against all, with every species, every organism and every gene competing for advantage against every other. Organisms are not skin-enclosed selfish entities, and competition is never unfettered. Life evolves, as does the universe itself, in a 'sacred dance' with an underlying field. This makes living beings into elements in a vast network of intimate relations that embraces the entire biosphere itself an interconnected element within the wider connections that reach into the cosmos. "

-Dr Ervin Lazlo  New Concepts of Matter, Life, and Mind

What struck me about this specific passage is that he is very eloquently defining what is known as an open system, and for my own purposes in the study of the paranormal, this has been one of my guiding principles in a cosmological model of what appear to be enfolded, plural realities.  Of course this field of study of Gregory Bateson's observation that “The major problems in the world are the result of the difference between how nature works and the way people think” 
The same could be said of the anomalous aspects of experiential paranormality as a adjunct of the natural world as it is only unnatural in regard to the way people think.The propagation of all phenomenon being energetic has a very narrow parable in the application of a radio in regard to an observer at times, that is to say, as if the transceiving aspect of various energetic information fields, that seem to be caught in the act of
transmitting through the air from antenna to antenna. ( coherence matched to the range of coherence of the receiver) Induction refers to the fact that a change in a magnetic field can create a current of electricity, and a current of electricity can create a change in a magnetic field; thus a current in one wire can produce a current in another wire, even at a distance; and this is indeed the same principle by which radio works. Simplistic but a tidy package.

The Wartime Room
In a recent post regarding sound without a source, the loud breaking of a pot was heard from it's location and yet it remained unbroken. I asked if the pot had not been there, would some other mimicry have occurred? Perhaps what is occurring at the Heritage Center at Montrose Air Force Base may reflect an example of coherence. Rather than a pot we have what is known as the "Wartime Room"

The vintage radio set is kept in a recreation of a 1940s room. Several people have heard Second World War era broadcasts including the big band sound of the Glenn Miller orchestra and speeches by Winston Churchill. The broadcasts come on at random and can last for up to half an hour..."It plays Glenn Miller, and that's what everyone has heard. It is very faint and you have to put your ear to it, but that's what it's playing."It's not just one of us who's heard it - most of us here have. We are talking about highly educated, reliable people."My wife Aileen was with me when we heard the Glenn Miller Orchestra last weekend. She's a physicist and not predisposed to believing in things like this but no-one has an explanation.The fact that the radio is not plugged in will cause some people to be skeptical, and assume that an audio device has been hidden inside the radio case.  However...technicians who examined it removed the back, but found "nothing but cobwebs and spiders".
The wave packet as a material object ( in this case a vintage radio) that has a coherence to what was broadcast in relation to the additional coherence of the "wartime room" all of which seems attenuated in a very specific manner to the set and setting of an open system, rather than a closed one and inasmuch as energy is the cryptology of information , could this setting be a codex to decode a plenum of a quantum vacuum? Is this the case of a natural phenomenon being termed unnatural simply due to the fact that, as Bateson said, how nature works has nothing to do with how people think about it.
"The volume was very low but the music was quite identifiable," claims Sutherland when pressed about the Glenn Miller song the radio allegedly played. According to a volunteer,, others have heard odd broadcasts suddenly blurt from the radio too. "Graham Phillip, another volunteer, has heard what he was sure was Winston Churchill and others, including center curator Dan Paton and his wife, have heard it." 
Asked if the set might be picking up the transmission of a powerful radio signal nearby, Sutherland says no. He already thought of that. "If we had a powerful transmitter in the area the radio might pick up something, but we don't." Another center volunteer, Marie Paton has heard the eerie broadcasts as well. Her father was the original owner of the radio having purchased it used in 1962. "It's a bit scary," Paton admits. "I thought someone was playing a prank on us but I heard it myself last Saturday. It plays Glenn Miller, and that's what everyone has heard. It is very faint and you have to put your ear to it, but that's what it's playing. All the experts say it should be impossible."
 Is this a case of viral inference by suggestion? I would think so if only it's range of distribution had common variables outside of the environment, although the desire to arrive at the Heritage Center could be considered a very general predisposition to the phenomenon and that is where as it said "things get tricky" or, in the parlance of physics, things get entangled in valuation and so I ask, Is the Heritage Center itself, a modern day Sacred Site that is  imbued with a resonance that is only lacking the past events in a present frame of reference? And so, if nature abhors a vacuum in space, does this local field in a packet seek coherence toward a plenum of information in a virtual library, that is an open system? Does modality precede communication when the communication is purposeless in our own terms of utility? Does rarity equate to value? Perhaps only through the mind of the beholder, and it may not necessarily be what we define as a human being that receives it. In this case, an inoperable radio, or, at least operable in a sense we do not fully understand.
This brings another issue to mind which is based on the question of the observer, "Does a Tree fall in the forest if no one is there to observe it?" Personally, I think trees are falling all around us that we cannot observe directly and the posing of this classical question to my mind confuses an effect with a root cause and in this case, one that suggests a form of our own memory without the referents of time attached to space is stored like the building of differentiation in a genome that does not erase it's earlier constitution but rather builds upon it. A good example of this is here...

Then the question is, can we retrieve the past in a quantum scenario and consequently time travel would not require a impossibly dense mass to bend space as most science suggests. This will be the subject of a further post. Is this the origin of anomalous atmospheric phenomenon? Are we simply experiencing our own memory in a transference from one state to another?

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Out Of The Ordinary: A BBC Report On The Obscure History of Electronic Voice Phenomenon

An interesting program on electronic voice phenomenon, an intriguing anomaly that was mentioned very briefly in my last post, and whenever I do a post, there is a of kismet involved with the unsolicited commentary from various media that inform me with variations on the same subjects that have been touched upon with a touch of my keyboard button to publish posts on these same subjects of our shred plural realities, "real or imagined". in all their 57 varieties.

The only person I know of who has dealt with this very obscure history is Dr Laslo in his speculations on quantum physics in regard to information fields which also is connected to Dr Vallee's views on a physics of information. A new post is being written on a small Italian anomaly who as a community went through a wave of equally intriguing messages through a dead radio, so perhaps this is a prelude to that future post.

This phenomenon of these proverbial echoes may have something to do with the sort of studied fringeology that has always intrigued me or alternatively, what odd subjects I am drawn toward reflected in a capturing of my own gravitational field as it is being acted upon or, It simply is. As always, your choice.

Nonetheless this is a very interesting program I highly recommend, to share with you in curiousity.


Thursday, April 11, 2013

Sound Without Sound

A Collisionless Crash
Last night my wife and I were in our family room during a quiet evening. The instantaneous and very loud sound of ceramic hitting the floor violently breaking came from the breakfast area. Our labrador who had been sleeping there on the comparatively cool floor, leaped up and without missing a beat, she knocked our floor mounted birdcage askew and flew over to us. My wife and I exchanged the same startled and puzzled look as I went over to presumably to investigate and inevitably clean up the mess.
To describe my own feelings I would have to say that being irked was accurate assessment and a  large understatement of my emotional reaction.
We have several ceramic pots containing sitting on a windowsill, and so I assumed it was our cat who has been known to leap on the sill, spilling a plant, the dirt and broken pottery on the floor. I flicked on the ceiling light. Not one pot, not one iota of anything was found askew. It was just as I left it some hours ago. I did a very thorough search as I had a classic reaction of matching the intensity of my search for any broken item in relation to not knowing the source of this very loud disturbance. My wife and I joked about folks who label any faint sound as "paranormal" and yet there was no denial in what the two of us heard, which left a quizzical feeling of having no source for this "chinese fire drill" for the rest of the evening in it's aftermath.
This morning while doing several chores around the house, it occurred to me through memory that fairly recently, as I reported in a earlier post, I had been awakened and interrupted twice from a deep sleep from a female voice that shouted my name loudly. I thought it was my wife immediately after the second occurrence  and turned to find her "out like a light." I had some difficulty in settling down again, relaxed enough to return to being comfortable enough to fall back asleep. I was not certain that I heard what I heard just as I was not certain of the source of last nights disturbance.
I have written previously about wave phenomenon or what Dr Persinger would term a transiently statistical coherence in the frequency of anomalous phenomenon as I have been through this same wave action experientially several times before, only to have it vanish completely for significantly long periods of time.
 It has been nearly four years since the last wave.

Entangled Rationality
The transmission of a anomalous and non material source that successfully mimics atmospheric sound. The question is, if I had no ceramic pots in the area where this disturbance originated, would this have changed the specific nature of what was mimicked? The fact that the cat was the culprit in gaining my irked attention   specifically breaking pots seems, on the surface to have been noticed and noted by something.Then again, set and setting in of themselves are not sentient but rather a relationship to my anticipation.
Sound without sound. How could it be both originated and be identified as such with no material source
More importantly.  What is the point of what is presumably an exercise in mimicry? Each time, my attention was gained and in this most recent case, both my wife and I had our attention stolen and then...nothing.
Is the creation of a question in the observer more important than coherency? If so, why? Or are we manipulated by sources within us that are exploited in a transpersonal manner by an unknown agent, sentient or otherwise?
Are my questions the point of the exercise manipulating me into posing them?
I don't know as well as not knowing the mechanics of it's modality and purpose. However, I cannot escape the possibility that this and similar events have a relation to what could be considered the workings of a mechanical automaton that is a messenger-less message. It also may be what Ibn Al Arabi described the workings of in great detail, that immateriality and materiality are two states of a spectrum rather than truncated from one another. That information just might have "a life of it's own" Its difficult for us to wrap our heads around this, but this seems to be beside the point inasmuch there is much we have difficulty in doing so by being exposed to many prosaic examples, yet....there they are..

Coincidence, Coherence and Unintelligible Communications
My wife now claims the sound was due to the sound of a ceramic plaque falling a short distance and so applying several repeat performances on the same surface, I could not replicate the sound that I heard. In my experiment was akin to a cup falling over, much lower in volume and it had what could be described as a flat resonance. I suspect she is reaching for an answer but I have no certainty in terms of offering an alternative scenario and so, on one hand, there is more ambivalence of certainty is applied to the questions I posed but there are other examples beyond those I have personally experienced in the company of others or alone that do not easily fit into neat causations.

The Stranger's Voice As One's Own
The study of non psychotic auditory anomalies requires a new methodology, the need for which, science agrees with. One study of young children found that 14% of them experienced this brand of anomaly in the studied population. One considers the strange case of Joan of Arc who recanted her confession that this had not happened, that she had made up everything about a particular voice and as a result, she knew she faced being burned to death. Of course, non audible sound as found in EVP phenomenon can be striking in clarity.
And at the same time there are many non psychotic bio-neurological ailments that can have an identical effect, which makes the subject more interesting than simply being dismissed out of hand.
One bio-neurological ailment allows for voices that are ones own but they are not recognisable as such, which may have a mirrored phenomenon in a quantum origin as applied to EVP's based on anticipation and conceptual modeling as integrated into the environment which is usually  entangled in a stereotyped "haunted" location. Even more specifically basement areas and attics are an anticipated source of phantom phenomenon as well as the viral implications of regions, darkness versus light, historical accounts of instinctually repellant murders, accidents and prolonged illness all seem to be settings for the staging of phantom phenomenon. Why not a shopping mall at noon? The same may apply to unknown atmospheric phenomenon that also has a viral coherence that eventually dissipates as attention and anticipation lessen.
The Cold War was one such environmental factor that once a sighting was alleged to be due to a spacecraft or the possibility of one, leading to several parallel phenomenon, not one. Misidentification, false claims, and actual atmospheric anomalies could be considered a coherency although their individual nature and origin may highly differ thus creating both more observant as well as more attenuation toward the creation of zombie or cellular phenomenon more likened to the cellular intelligence ..meaning information creating information in an entangled state, a sort of false coherency. What it appears to be is not what it is, but it remains an actual anomaly.
The operation of the brain in conjunction with the mind , one informing the other, may be prone (as scientists theorise ) to quantum phenomenon. There are several theories on the mind that suggest this is a principle which allows it's existence, such as we both recognise and do not recognise such a modality. If so, the relationship between the delimited quantum state and the information provided by an observer may be algorithmic in a way that is not apparent.

Musical Dice
 Eighteenth century algorithmic music is a contemporary of automaton machines, like Jacques de Vaucanson's duck or Wolfgang von Kempelen's chess player, or Ada Lovelace and Charles Babbage's 1822 difference engine. In 1787, W.A. Mozart (1756–1791) devised an aleatoric system called Musikalisches Würfelspiel (Musical Dice) published 1793 by J.J. Hummel in Berlin-Amsterdam, to compose waltzes with a pair of dice and a set of written bars on paper cards. The combination of all the 16 cards and transitions, of which there are theoretically 10 29 combinations, constitutes a minuet.
One could think of semiotics as a form of musical composition and the logic of the mind containing tense, punctuation and context.
Cases that may represent such a situation have common transient traits. "Alien" abductions in their waxing and waning seem to represent such a false coherency.  Who is looking, what is being sought, what the level of anticipation may be, what conceptual models one follows, all seem to be data points matrixed  to program a mirrored surrogacy of experiential reality. Keys to the quantum plenum or Borges library as if two opposed mirrors create a hybridised expression, neither this nor that.

 Every line is fine in this, so fine as to create entire living mythologies replete with their own language which is representational of what could best be described as a projection of imagination without any accuracy whatsoever. Vortex, Time Travelers, Unidentified Flying Objects, Sasquatch, Ghosts, etc. The list of pseudo language is formidable and is a contaminating influence with it's own false coherency.
It seems that millions of us are speaking a sort of babble, intelligible but without real meaning, much as if they are mirroring the very nature of the phenomenon they cannot identify as to it's root.
More on clues and pratfalls later.

Friday, April 5, 2013

The Cryptography of The Cryptic and The Plenum

"Can worldwide communication ever be fully secure? Quantum physicists believe they can provide secret keys using quantum cryptography via satellite. Unlike communication based on classical bits, quantum cryptography employs the quantum states of single light quanta (photons) for the exchange of data. Heisenberg's uncertainty principle limits the precision with which the position and momentum of a quantum particle can be determined simultaneously, but can also be exploited for secure information transfer. Like its classical counterpart, quantum cryptography requires a shared key with which the parties encode and decode messages. However, quantum mechanical phenomena guarantee the security of quantum key distribution. Because quantum states are fragile, interception of the key by an eavesdropper will alter the behavior properties of the particles, and thus becomes detectable."  http://www.sciencedaily.com/

The cryptic and cryptography. One is a phenomenological sort of illegibility and the other is to intentionally make the legibility seem to be chaotic. Yet in the latter case, the legibility remains while being indecipherable.
The concept of keys has been gone over several times here as analogous to the relationship between the observer and the observed. Some have anomalous experiences, some don't. Some have variation A, while some receive variation B, or C, or D, or e, on and on. If there is coherency it appears to be scrambled, and in our purposefully driven existence, sending a message designed to be illegible, seems more than counter-intuitive.

Whether it is biogenetic, software binary language, speech, visual semiotics, on and on, we have many many cases of encoding. None of them are patently, directly observable.
In the case of both the mind and brain, we have a case of self encoding as well as encoding from the five operable channels of the senses. No separation of the seven is possible. Do two individuals either recall or experience an event in a identically precise manner? There is an Uncertainty principle in this fact, that we cannot have patently identical signals nor memories of a singular event. What are you ,versus another, looking for? What do you notice? What was missed?

In terms of self awareness, are there embedded autonomic encoding processes going on without our direct access in order to observe them? What is instinct? It is certainly encoding that has a behavioral effect. What is desire? An effect. What is hatred? An effect. Several encoding processes are at work together simultaneously and to what extent the driver is driven may have an effect on reception.

Whatever a singularity of reality may be, we can never access it directly without the intermediary of encoding. So, if this is true, then what are we missing as witnesses who are experiential in nature? .
I think it's reasonable, despite the claims of materialist science based on repeatability ( which seems myopic)
we are missing a great deal and that what we receive is only a tiny fractional percent of what is beyond what we can directly recognise only through an intermediary. This somewhat reminds me of the basis of religion with it's subset of priest intermediaries who follow their own form of encoding. While there may be some basic shared aspects of religions, no two are exactly alike. You follow A, B, C, or D etc.

Then there is the matter of transpersonal realities and the anomalies that are it's effects. Data that is shared inexplicably over quantifiably large physical distances. The chances of reception are slim and the events that occur are rare. Then there is the return to the matter of keys which is dimly echoed in the ill defined past term, "sympathetic magic" which vaguely uses a principle of resonance. One vibrating tuned fork vibrating another in proximity, only in this case, we are missing what we can define as proximity. outside of physical distance. Yet there is a coherence between the configuration of the key and the lock it opens.

What is a plenum? A chamber intended to contain air, gas, or liquid at positive pressure, or Horror vacui ("nature abhors a vacuum"), A meeting of a deliberative assembly in which all members are present; contrast with quorum... Enclosed spaces (in buildings) used for airflow.... Electrical wire permitted in plenum spaces per building codes... a space completely filled with matter. Matter as encoded information in physicality.

We ask what is behind that wall?  Does information abhor a vacuum?  And in some unimaginable plenum, is all information contained, like a encoding genome?

We travel further beyond space which is filled to overflowing, not with a vacuum but with a hive like library of books archived in this imagined plenum, that are nonsensical in of themselves, as Borges suggested in search of the LibrarianWe are the books.  The Librarian despite our hope against hope in a self referential form of transpersonal anthropomorphism, is not a human being, not a superior image of ourselves. 

A primitive tribe refers to the Librarian as That. The Other is another good term. We know it by effect only. 

The effects in of themselves can be self organising in relationship to one another, screening whats behind the wall or up in the attic. If this is so existence or nonexistence as divisors of reality are more than likely absent there in That. Variability may be the mirror of the key, rather than a lock that opens yet another door. What we consider eternity may be a flux in That plenum. At times recognition can be as valuable as an insight but recognition is only a step so tenuous as to potentially lead one off a cliff in a transit of contingencies.