Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Tale of Tawûsê Melek

Positivists blocked my exit from a collapsing house of cards when they attempted to keep secret that the codex of the universes is being written post editorially as I type this. Parallel programs without number whir and link together a woven cloth that is the materiality of one such aspect of the nonexistent, the existent and the imaginal realms of the multi-levular differentiation becoming endless worlds within worlds.

Delimited possibility superimposed on the receptivity of architectural media whether it is a bird in flight, a human being or a stalk of corn and yet perhaps the best analogous description of the positivist is to describe the non fictional as a fiction, a metaphorical tale of subtle relations that they as parrots can repeat but have lost the sublimated characteristics of their own vocabularies and this brings me to the tale of  Tawûsê Melek, and what was called "sublime knowledge" in The Garden of Eden..from whence our common genome was banished  in a metaphor worthy of E.A Poe.
The house with a mouth for a door, windows for eyes, structure for bone and the secrets held by the ghosts therein falling in on itself in a incestuous tale of the forbidden, Devils may be Angels and The Angels may be Devils. I think on these things tonight.

Perhaps it is that the root of transients, those temporal and antecedent patterns that elude analysis in data correlations is that information is energy and once constituted, it cannot be destroyed unless we consider it's reformulation a loss, but if the concept of genetics were extended as a codex of all possible formulations, it may not follow a linear path of causation and so lag patterns that are temporarily contiguous, in spacial terms are irrelevant,  as there may be several roots, several tumblers in the lockset of anomalies continually turning in a wheel of probabilities that align past, present and future self organizing information as a singularity.
The message may be irrelevant to our pragmatic orientations but the means  may disclose our entangled relations between the self and non self, the local and the non local are provincial defining characteristics.

"The logical extension of millions of an interaction between millions of human brains and the geoelectromagnetic environment are discussed in the concept of the geopysche..."
-Space-Time Transients and Unusual Events, Micheal A Persinger -Gyslaine Laheniere

The geopsyche of The Peacock Angel named Tawûsê Melek known to the ancestral family genome of the  Sumerian relations, the Yedzi, still dwelling in Iraq's marshes, the once and future garden in the desert at the conjunction of three rivers.
Tawûsê Melek as the Jinn Iblis in Islam, the Angel Overseer of Earth  whom accordingly God ordered Tawûsê Melek not to bow to other sentient beings as they are intermediaries, which at first seems an odd thing in ordering relations as a matter of software. Then God created the other archangels and ordered them to bring him the chemistry of dust  from the Earth and build the cellular chamber for a Adam whose non existent world was non local.
Then, according to the Yedzi, God gave life to Adam from his own breath and instructed all archangels as forces to bow to Adam. Again, a philosophic distinction was made.The archangels obeyed without hesitation, except for the steadfast Tawûsê Melek who was in compliance to his ordering in relationship.. In answer to God, Tawûsê Melek replied, "How can I submit to another being! I am from your illumination while Adam is made of dust." Hence was the deputy steward of the Demiuge thus aligned in the order to bow to Adam, which was was a subtle test for Tawûsê Melek, since if God the apex of the aggregate sum that has similarities in attributes to differentiation but none in the incommensurable nature of the whole in relation to it's constituent members, commands anything then it must happen perhaps as a matter of implicate ordering. .In other words, God could have made him submit to Adam, but gave Tawûsê Melek the choice. As a test which I suppose is another word for a game, which leads us to game theory and the role of opting to play. Nothing had been dictated, nothing fated in a omniscient pathology, rather possibility as to the manner of derivatives was in play much like the branch perhaps of a genome, or the software compliant to the context, or not as a precarious balancing act, a roll of the dice.

Ibn Al Arabi leaps from his seat shouting a question, "Who threw the ball!?" The laws of form and distinction only exist in relational orientation in a variant of relativity theory in metaphysics as one nameless companion told once told me it may not be that the first act of self awareness was not I Am but rather I Appear to Be, which has several enfolded meanings and that, as Shakespeare said is the question. He looked me square in the eye and said "Not a pretty picture" Then he turned and walked away.
Get out your existential flashlight in the dark. We may or may not encounter one another again.

A soundtrack for the sentinels of the soundless night on their counter clockwise journey through the brambles and thorns that propel them.


Friday, April 20, 2012

Selling Reality By The Pound

 The third state of entanglement describes an absent world in addition to the immaterial realm as well as the the realm of sense perception that can lie through it's teeth, informing us that solid objects have a density that is in direct relation to to it's apparent nature.  There is no utility in this, no harnessing of this third state that has any pragmatism attached to it. It is not as though we can fuel a car, or do dishes with this randomly signaled interception of our three dimensional parameters. It certainly cuts a wide swath none the less, across the pages of our semiotic coloring book. What is purpose? Must every phenomenon have a corresponding intention that is a match to our given situation, or is that some phenomenon have no intention, as we define it?
Seemingly, for the most part, when the anomalous strikes a pose, we cannot escape our own nature inasmuch as that is a measuring tape bound to inaccurate, and so consequently, our linear narratives of causation seem provincial and the driver of oxcarts compared to a worm hole. Yet, there are experts which means they can memorize factoids to assemble them based on local customs of impossibility versus uncertainty, all of which may be a moot point, which serves as the inference of a free floating existential danger, which then, of course, is our proverbial shadow that burrows beneath errands and pleasantries, even self interest. We make all this up as we go along, being pushed out of the womb, propelled by various sorts of sociological stagecraft and the anomalous often reminds us that Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy are legislating reality as a writ, selling it to you and I by the pound.
From a certain perspective outside of knowing where the next exit is, our knowledge of the repetitive and reinforcing  geometry of three dimensions is utterly beside the point and beyond that there is no point that corresponds to being meshed in a web in the basement of a skyscraper, while making pronouncements on the weather outside, yet that is the lunacy of our quiet desperation in the face of recognizing "if you must sleep, sleep well"  which corresponds to "Don't Worry, It's already happened." John Mack is walking down a sidewalk and a car instantaneously veers out of control and kills him. And so we go back to chaos theory and self organizing systems, seeking an end run around the fact that the world is no more than what we imagine it to be, and it's nothing personal..sorry.

 Everything must be bought and paid for in the transactional nature of reciprocating pixels that comprise our simulation of sight, and at times, we cannot afford what we experience and experiential memory becomes a debt as our accounting for it's purpose and intention, exceeds our wherewithal. A case in point..John Keel approves.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Number 27

I am number 27. The war had been in stalemate despite weekly official statements we were winning and of course, this was before one of Johnson's cronies took out a slide rule during a meeting with General Westmoreland and based on the good general's report, it was determined all the Vietcong had already been extinguished by a multiple of four.
Ouspensky, in his book, "In Search of The Miraculous " described  as he was walking in St. Petersburg prior to World War I, that he saw a truck loaded with crutches.Literally hundred of them piled on the wharf to be loaded. They were crutches for a war that had not yet started, and for legs that had not yet been injured or blown off. The inference of suggestion as a scripted outcome that is a play upon human nature as a self harvesting organism was and remains unmistakable.

The war was televised and sanitized so as no scattering of body parts were pictured to disrupt what officially was treated as a proverbial football game with the scores of each side's causalities were an inherent, scheduled portion of each nightly newscast. . Corespondents were ducking and diving, yet it was treated as if this chaos was a blithe game of monopoly, a competition based on little markers and the roll of the dice. A highly structured and abstracted real estate venture. As Noam Chomsky later observed, the same hand picked corporate media "experts" kept the dialog on topic with no one questioning what the point of the exercise was, while Dow Chemical sold the jell that napalmed the  civilians, women, children and old men along with the opposing forces, remotely from the air. The fireballs were televised with no charred corpses being visible as the "experts" reinforced and parsed the "game play", the focus of which was a zero sum "victory."

The draft lottery had the transparent veneer of some rationality that democracy was at play in determining the order of  cannon fodder that upheld the paranoiac domino theory of the Secretary of Defense at that time who would later be reincarnated as Donald Rumsfield.
My father drove me to the train station in silence and there was quite a crowd on the special train of meat being sent to the packing house and I was intimidated, nervous and not quite squirming in my seat. At the indoctrination center, we, the unwashed, were lined up in a sort of assembly line manner for a physical and medical examination. One of the tests was to measure my heart rate. Without his eyes meeting mine, as if he were daydreaming of his upcoming vacation from his monotonous duties, he in the white coat, wanly and lightly placed his stethoscope on my chest for a few seconds and I noticed he did not look at his watch. "" he murmured... in a monotone as the scope was withdrawn.
We sat in what appeared to be a classroom on folding chairs with a armrest sufficing for a writing surface, as papers were handed to the occupants in the  front row of seats and told to hand the remaining papers back. I looked at my copy, which was simply a sealed envelope with a letter sized, cardboard data processing card that was numbered with  four small circles behind each row. Number two pencils were handed out. It was an IQ test. We were told, when finished, to bring the papers up to the desk. I was seated in the back of a row.
The Sargent gave the go ahead to!
Instead of opening mine, I watched the others earnestly and dutifully open theirs and begin. All forty began to squint, look at the ceiling in great concentration and then mark their answers. It struck me in a gestalt that my intelligence was being questioned in more ways than one.
It then struck me that there was a choice beyond this set and setting, beyond the choice of which of the four circles I would fill in.  On every line, I filled in every circle, which took about five minutes and as I rose from my folding desk everyone turned to glance at me albeit furtively. The walk up the aisle was experienced in slow motion up to the desk where the good Sargent was reading a magazine.I put down the stuff in front of him and he appeared startled. I could read his mind through his eyes. "This kid's a genius!"
I sat for about what seemed like a half hour as one by one each made their way to the desk in the mass compilation of their assigned task.Every so often the Sargent would look up at me and simply stared in my general direction in a quizzical daze.
As he left the room, he told the "class" to wait here as the results were to be tabulated. I had been hoping to be shuffled off to the next task, my results having been left behind to be discovered at a later date. Apparently there is No Exit from karma.
The Sargent swung the door open upon after another half hour or so had passed.
I got up and approached him and he looked constipated as if I had complicated his bowels.
"Come with me!"
Was I to be shot, imprisoned or returned for a retake number two?  Made to sharpen a warehouse full of pencils? We walked down the shiny linoleum corridor and he stopped in front of a fine, polished mahogany door that I duly noted.
"Wait here" And then he left.
I was ushered in by a man who appeared gargantuan his uniform festooned with pins. medallions, stars and other "bling".Behind his desk were framed lithographs of planes zooming around, tanks going uphill and ships exploding. He asked me to be seated and held the IBM card in front of him as if it were radioactive, yet his demeanor was determined.
"Mr Duensing, you dint try very hard on this test."
"Yes, thats true."
"Here,s your meal pass and get out of my office."
A few weeks later I received a new draft card marked 4F that cited mental incompetency

Number 27 had passed the test.


I am walking along a shaded street in Berkley California, on a very lush summer day, lost in my own thoughts in 1968. A barefoot fellow runs up to me with a pair of shoes in his hands. "These are my last material possessions and I want you to have them." He had edited out that he was still wearing clothing and I respectfully declined his impromptu offer. I sat on a bench, sharing it with a French foreign exchange student and compared notes on the churning cultures in our respective countries. We continued to talk as we walked along and she mentioned her interest in the women's liberation movement, which, at that time, I knew very little about and I was curious as to specifics rather than generalities. She suggested I come with her to a meeting and I accepted and we walked over to a fairly crowded auditorium. I was the only male in the room. I had a sort of self congratulatory mindset in noticing this. The speaker began her discourse when her eyes met mine. I smiled, and she could have cut me down or make my head explode with her glare. I was momentarily stunned. "There is a male in this room and this meeting is for women only!" Everyone turned their gaze at me and the room seemed to become a small, claustrophobic  and paranoiac fishbowl. "You..have to leave!" As I left my French comrade who had slunk into her seat, and walked to the exit, everyone broke out in spontaneous applause.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Heaven and Hell: Living By The Days

“The junk merchant doesn't sell his product to the consumer, he sells the consumer to his product. He does not improve and simplify his merchandise. He degrades and simplifies the client.”
― William S. Burroughs, Naked Lunch 

" It is clear from Gurdjieff's writings that hypnotism, mesmerism and various arcane methods of expanding consciousness must have played a large part in the studies of the Seekers of Truth. None of these processes, however, is to be thought of as having any bearing on what is called Black Magic, which, according to Gurdjieff, "has always one definite characteristic. It is the tendency to use people for some, even the best of aims, without their knowledge and understanding, either by producing in them faith and infatuation or by acting upon them through fear.
-P. L. Travers, in "Gurdjieff" in Man, Myth and Magic : Encyclopedia of the Supernatural

It could be that there is no Heaven or Hell outside of the manner in which we have interpreted what our imagination is capable of imaging from the precepts of language found in repetition and variation of these demarcations without any more subtle distinctions whatsoever, throughout the centuries. Or so it seems.

Of course, these two polar and binary terms are also cultural software as control points for would be intercessions that are valuated as arbiters of reward and punishment by strange desires and strange fears founded in "war is peace" and freedom is slavery" as Orwell dissected the normalcy of our cultural architecture.

The human tribe seems to be an unfinished work, a dress rehearsal for some future state as they are material in biological, psychological, and sensory adaptations to a planetary natural ecology.

 “The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice. And because we fail to notice that we fail to notice, there is little we can do to change; until we notice how failing to notice shapes our thoughts and deeds.”
― R.D. Laing

The aggregate sum of physicality,sensation,emotion, cognition and individuated mindsets all reinforce a pragmatism that rationality is understandably based upon, yet these are steered  into a consensus of the lowest rung of consensual terms to make them coherent. 
Coherency comes at a price of cross purposed "normalcy" that is perhaps  lunatic in degrees, lacking very little self awareness in terms of these only being a means of the human geometry of orientation by adaptation.  

"To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it, to believe that democracy was impossible and that the Party was the guardian of democracy, to forget, whatever it was necessary to forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the moment when it was needed, and then promptly to forget it again, and above all, to apply the same process to the process itself -- that was the ultimate subtlety; consciously to induce unconsciousness, and then, once again, to become unconscious of the act of hypnosis you had just performed. Even to understand the word 'doublethink' involved the use of doublethink." -George Orwell

 What survival meant 2,00 years ago and what it constitutes now has changed yet correspondingly, very little in my book in terms of instinct still being a major player in alleged rationality, perhaps as Freud would say the Id of a delusional "I" as appearances only infer and suggest the reinforcement of rationality to ourselves as a animal species, when in reality, our behavior as an aggregate sum is irrational.

 “Nobody should be whipped. Remember that, once and for all. Neither man nor animal can be influenced by anything but suggestion.”
― Mikhail Bulgakov, Heart of a Dog

While other living creatures as we term them, adhere closely to the slings and arrows of the environment, we have multi-level, paralleled  choices that are apparent to us, that are unique both in terms of the species and individuated variations of what we seem to be.

Of course, all this may be exclusionary as a qualifier if this matter of apparent choices are simply inherited delusions of grandeur as a strong psychological barrier that nature has tricked us with to pick our pockets. Perhaps this is the isthmus of another sort of Heaven and Hell, a subtle yet inherently pervasive and persuasive dream state.

There is an Eastern tale which speaks about a very rich magician who had a great many sheep. But at the same time this magician was very mean. He did not want to hire shepherds, nor did he want to erect a fence about the pasture where his sheep were grazing. The sheep consequently often wandered into the forest, fell into ravines, and so on, and above all they ran away, for they knew that the magician wanted their flesh and skins and this they did not like.
At last the magician found a remedy. He hypnotized his sheep and suggested to them first of all that they were immortal and that no harm was being done to them when they were skinned, that, on the contrary, it would be very good for them and even pleasant; secondly he suggested that the magician was a good master who loved his flock so much that he was ready to do anything in the world for them; and in the third place he suggested to them that if anything at all were going to happen to them it was not going to happen just then, at any rate not that day, and therefore they had no need to think about it. Further the magician suggested to his sheep that they were not sheep at all; to some of them he suggested that they were lions, to others that they were eagles, to others that they were men, and to others that they were magicians.
And after this all his cares and worries about the sheep came to an end. They never ran away again but quietly awaited the time when the magician would require their flesh and skins.
This tale is a very good illustration of man’s position."

-G.I Gurdjieff

Suggestion, inference and the biology of hypnotism appear to underline other steering genetic mechanisms that suggest that the Gnostic concept of nature being a gilded cage that is akin to domestic farming practices, or the sacrificing of animals and human ones as well to do an end run around this situation in terms of influencing the exterior ecology, while the ecology of mind remains in lockstep with delusions of freedom that are held by the digestive organ of experience, the identifying, associating semiotics of reactive semiotics, the individual human being as having been defined and nurtured as a "personality", what metaphysical texts call "the false personality" or the delusion of "I".

One thinks of Billy Crystal's character Fernando when looking at cultural totems "that it is better to look good than feel good."

Whether it is Melville or Jonah, we have the would be evangelical seeking of recompense in justice leading to a comeuppance. A tale of "personality" attempting to do away with a presumed foe, whether it is Jonah's inherent dislike of his fellow "seafarers" by his constant criticism of them , leading him to be thrown overboard, or Ahab's attempted removal of injurious nature. Swallowed by or stabbing the Leviathan of Nature. Take your pick. Then, from another perspective, we have the more esoteric variant of a question of whether the Leviathan is Legion as nature's way of suiting it's purposes in a transactional exchange. 

Of course then there is Lucifer, also in rebellion against nature either seen as having the pride of ignorance toward his own nature, hence nature itself, as well as that of being a "light bearer". Somewhere in the middle
he is burning away the crust of what contains him down to ash, through equal amounts of centuries, chained daily to the mountaintop, having his internal organs eaten away by nature's birds of prey.A Sufi Comic Book will suffice.

The death of personality is an interesting topic as it seems rather inevitable and is a source of great cultural fear in the West, as if a human could be simply a reactive well of set points by distinctions in a sort of animated, semiotic automatism. Death is defined as the death of personality. Today, I look at television for a few minutes and what do I observe in terms of emphasis on personality everywhere. Interesting as a litmus test of delusional pawns in a game of nature, having their pockets picked as the sacrificial blood courses through their jugular veins which is also a cause for empathy. It seems you either adapt or adaptation is done for you without your participation.

It seems we can either chose to suffer the pain of exposure of the personalities as in "man's name is legion" now or suffer the consequences arising from it later but there is no end run except in imagination turned toxic. So much dynamism from so many dimensions, that appears sentient but is the cellular nature of misaligned language babbling on , talking to itself.

We ( as a species) think we can talk ourselves out of being under a dangling sword. It is amazing in a depressing manner how many decades have passed in self referential babble unsuitable to actual resolution as a tact to avoid and subtly deny certain issues like the heaven and hell we are lodged between subject to purging.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Borges, A Dead Priest And The Author

 “A man sets out to draw the world. As the years go by, he peoples a space with images of provinces, kingdoms, mountains, bays, ships, islands, fishes, rooms, instruments, stars, horses, and individuals. A short time before he dies, he discovers that the patient labyrinth of lines traces the lineaments of his own face.”
― Jorge Luis Borges, The Aleph and Other Stories

I was thinking tonight of the dead priest I was introduced to by an unseen presence. The boarding house was in ruins, barely managing to remain upright. It's several inhabitants who remained there by my seeing through their eyes, experienced their environment as it was, not as it is, as their memory told them it is, not moldering pieces of wood dropping one by one into the weeds.
The priest opened a door and introduced me to two elderly spinster sisters who sat in two armchairs on either side of an upright dresser. To the right was a window, to the left was a floor lamp. As an aside to me in a soft voice, he whispered "This is their harbor, the familiar, my role is to comfort them, and solace them in this refuge.."
My thoughts tonight are that the priest who also had a safe harbor in the familiar.
A darker patina paints this encounter many years later. What was he afraid of? Perhaps nothing. As with any direct experience, vividness doe not always translate into coherency.
There is no morality at play here. It was and is what it was.
Gurdjieff has said, "If you want to lose your religion, make friends with a priest."
He undoubtedly would label me a lunatic.
Tonight as I walked through the garden smoking a cigarette, my mind was churning with several propositions in regard to this encounter that remains strangely fresh.
Was the boarding house a parable, a metaphor or was it simply a boarding house? I said to myself that it is both here and there. It was both in ruin and as it was. The more I walked it was if a merry go round was slowly turning. Perhaps this was the movement of the planet on it's axis both facing the sun and here in the night, where one would be hard pressed to describe this as a state without some odd anecdotal insertion into apparent rotations such as the vividness of incoherency.

"The earth we inhabit is an error, an incompetent parody. Mirrors and paternity are abominable because they multiply and affirm it."
Jorge Lois Borges- "Hakim, the Masked Dyer of Merv"

Why is this so? I ask this as I recognize the whole is dependent on relations and I am some third cousin, a provincial rube, a monkey on a bicycle that must be necessary to a ecology, perhaps a tree or a coffee pot. A missing paragraph might be found in the wings of an aphid.

"Do you want to see what human eyes have never seen? Look at the moon. Do you want to hear what ears have never heard? Listen to the bird's cry. Do you want to touch what hands have never touched? Touch the earth. Verily I say that God is about to create the world."
- Jorge Luis Borges, "The Theologians"

It is the Borge's Aleph or The Crimson Hexagon, and his concept of the metaphysical novel of the universe constituted as a library, where every variation of a book is held whether it is a misplaced period or a transposed sentence and the eternal search by it's patrons to find the complete work recalls another librarian as author,Ray Bradbury.

“You must write every single day of your life... You must lurk in libraries and climb the stacks like ladders to sniff books like perfumes and wear books like hats upon your crazy heads... may you be in love every day for the next 20,000 days. And out of that love, remake a world.”
― Ray Bradbury

The boarding house comes to mind again as a page that it would be vainly arrogant of myself to claim any authorship of, whether it could be imagined as being proved in it's existence or remaining a liminal notation.I have a suspicion that I am more a medium than a message and perhaps judging by my own analysis, a nearly perfect but probably flawed projection would be...We all are a transposition of a transcription in a library of such works. Each of us holds the others missing page in a happenstance that is yet a prelude to something further beyond a rehearsal of pantomimes and trained parrots, while this cannot be discerned by any fractionation we could muster to classify it.

"If the pages of this book contain some successful verse, the reader must excuse me the discourtesy of having usurped it first. Our nothingness differs little; it is a trivial and chance circumstance that you should be the reader of these exercises and I their author."
- To the Reader" ["A quien leyere"], preface to Fervor of Buenos Aires [Fervor de Buenos Aires] (1923)

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Imagination As Reality

How can we separate the imagination from reality? The common definition is that imagination is able to envision arrangements that do not exist, and yet if we examine language deeply, that is to say what are references to the observable, we find that our references do not correspond with the realities that lie behind appearances, hence perhaps all language is the suggestive process of inferences that do not exist except as words and yet words become reality for most, and our reality is imaginary in more ways than we imagine it to be so. We live in imagination and correspond by language and suggestion is always in our jugular vein. I find it laughable as in a tragicomedy. Pulled and jerked as if animated by the air itself, I write in this journal in the realm of misplaced appearances as a puppet would, perhaps imagining I am self aware as some sort of haughty defense mechanism steeled against the slings and arrows of cartoons as an architecture that serve as a lens for "rational logic". One good push, and I will vanish as a dream would, having no contingency or seat belt to anchor me to my own presumptions that mimic and build upon the repetition of signs and symbols to domesticate the sheer trenchancy of these butterfly nets..In the province of the mind, to twist the words of Dr John Lilly anything is probable even the imagination telling us what we assume is reality.

Ghost Communication and The Classification of Their Origins

One of the many perspectives I have entertained is the apparent effects of presumed ghost sentience in terms of interaction with the living. As part of this investigative thread, I have educated myself in the nature of what is termed cellular intelligence. Below is an example of one of the many theoretical examinations of this phenomenon, and so consequently, I have taken quite a radical view of ghost "sentience."
I have always been fascinated by the genetics of memory in relation to chaos and coherence theories, that is also embedded in quantum theory as information as a form of physics of the relationships between the states of stored transformative, and transmitted  organized energy.
Herein arose a distinct possibility in relation to the presumption of occupied sentience in relation to ghost communication. Think of this as quantum semiotics in relation to a databank.
 In other words, such communication, with ghosts, while interactive,may not necessarily constitute someone speaking on the other end of the line but rather a quantized databank that is accessed through a triad of combinatorial locks held by the state of the observer having access, the location and the state of the localized ambient energy that opens a proverbial tumbler lock of referenced stored associations, identifications, and corresponding responses that  are matrixed as both individuated banks yet cannot exist without a series of relationships beyond this localized core that also exist beyond our current measurements of space time, which is actually, simply space. One could say this is a further extension of the conservation of energy as it relates to organization of it into a physics of information. In other words once information is created, it cannot be erased. It can only change states in a genome that encompasses it's further differentiation.
We know by physics that material is in a state that is not completely material and that what we can sense through animal perception does not include "the data behind the data", so to speak.
And of course time is created by the semiotics of  comparison in relationship with localized conditions. Consequently, there always seemed to be a error in the presumption of the "dead" in regard to their state being exactly in line with that of the living as they are dead, yet we presume that a shared interface that embodies the same characteristics as if they were alive when they are two distinct states that only have in common, the presumption of a common state because we can draw responses that correspond to our definition of intelligence but "intelligence" itself has not one but many modalities dependent on the observer. Whether it is a voice response system, a voice transcription software, a cellphone, or a television, our forebears would undoubtedly and understandably identify their behavior as being sentient or intelligent in of themselves, and from a more advanced perspective we can say they are and yet are not in various degrees.
If we have two observers, one "dead" and one "living" could the "dead" observer mimic by behaviorism that he or she were still alive while not being present in any sense by the means of a quantized cellular intelligence? a sardonic twist could we call this a communication with the living death of a unique state of stored information.
In many discussions with a psychologist friend, we have termed non local communication with the local as uploading and down loading that occur not as separated but as two states of the same phenomenon that can also appear to be observed in metaphysical texts. In other words think of ( for example) the Tibetan and Egyptian Books of The Dead.
There seems to be a downloading as well as uploading of memory occurring by a change of state through the exchange of mediums that are incompatible in relation to one another. It does not appear to be the erasure of the observers individuated data bank by externalization of the stored information but rather both uploading it while downloading a new state that is in relation to a delimited potential that must be "recycled" from it's fixity of individuation. "What was is "what is in this sense of space but in a entirely different set of relationships where "memory" is separated from sentience. Could this be so? Are there other qualifiers? I think so.
The conservation of energy requires a previous state that one could perhaps liken to memory as a genome or butterfly effect, a return to it's original state while the effect of a previous state remains. It is a difficult proposition to place into an understandable language, or at least how I suspect, being dead is not a simple affair. Neither is "communication" with the "dead"

 Depending on the set and setting, and the other variables I mentioned, the information received by the senses or by instrumentation can range from the absurd to extremely pertinent by the experimenter \observer. I have been struck by what is classified as a human ghost and what I suspect are the ghosts that are claimed to be that of a extraterrestrial visitation. Once again this is an example of how language seemingly becomes a self referential definition that steers the theories that arise from faux terms that have no reality other than being referents.
 I covered this issue in "The Stupidity of The Paranormal."
Even more so than human ghosts, the quality of what the inadvertent observer experiences from these human ghosts, these "extraterrestrial ghosts" interact in extremely vague, contradictory terms and since the anticipation in relation to the set and setting outside of the parameters of a known "haunted" location, the perception experienced follows the high ambivalence of the setting, which has no associative or identifying semiotic that would say "this is a ghost" or "this location is "haunted" and ,of course, alleged human ghosts in terms of the spectrum of their materialization run the range from shadows to full bodied apparitions. Often, in many cases ghosts are envisioned in dreams where they provide messages while seemingly occupying a domicile externally.
In the case of both human and extraterrestrial ghosts are often associated with very localized "orbs" or spheres that make sharp transitions of trajectory, often at near right angles, variants of velocity from incredibly impossible rapidity to slow moving transits.
Psychokinetic activity of human ghosts can  leave imprints, traces of footsteps, manipulate objects, float above the ground in defiance of gravity, vanish into walls, transform their appearance, much like the apparitional aspects of " extraterrestrials." One recalls the inexplicable indentations of  the ground labelled as "trace evidence" in regard to "extraterrestrial landings" which I personally suspect are psychokinetic in nature. What appears to be the sole arbiter of classifying a human apparition from an extraterrestrial apparition is appearance that seemingly is steered once again in the manner of anticipatory semiotic associations and identifications of the observer that interact with the environment. Some experiences of interaction with the ghosts that appear to be extraterrestrial also includes dead relations, such as a grandfather, etc. I suspect none of this is coincidental and it's only our language that steers the false demarcations we have made in classification of liminal realities as well as to their externalized manifestations, which acts as a binding agent that is highly individualized, hence highly individualized alien "ghosts" appear in a taxonomy that defies the parameters of three dimensional creatures. This in relation to the high ambivalence of the setting wherein such events occur.
As I related in explaining my abandonment of "Intangible Materiality" I have left the constrictions that others examine the paranormal with, hence I have no community or common ground with popular culture or the architecture of silly argumentative dialogs that are not dialogs whatsoever.
In the next few posts, I hope to flesh out these thoughts more fully.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Imagination And The Bias of Set and Setting

Imagine a small room with five people in it who knew only the others who were gathered in it, and beyond this facet of that odd fact, all they knew was what were the furnishings contained within it as well. All of them, due to the nature of this situation carried on a continual dialog as to the nature of their own situation and everything they discussed was recorded. Perhaps this room was made of bone and was a human skull.
Then, they simply vanished while the room remained essentially the same and five more, new inhabitants entered the room and began a extension of the original conversation that due to the vanishing of the original participants was the same conversation in a discontinuous format. They eventually find the recording and while the basis of the conversation was the same as far as the questions, considerations posed, as well as other parameters, by comparing their own conversations with the previous one, they were surprised that some of their own ideas were not factored into the original conversation. Memory, variability, set and setting and discontinuity as existential props for the gist of the conversation, while the language remains invariable as far as the semiotic cues that form the architecture of that reality by way of referents. Perhaps this imaginary situation was conceptualized centuries ago and instead of a human skull, the room was envisioned as a cave.

"The idea of an observation selection effect is maybe best explained by first considering the simpler concept of a selection effect. Let's say you're trying to estimate how large the largest fish in a given pond is, and you use a net to catch a hundred fish and the biggest fish you find is three inches long. You might be tempted to infer that the biggest fish in this pond is not much bigger than three inches, because you've caught a hundred of them and none of them are bigger than three inches. But if it turns out that your net could only catch fish up to a certain length, then the measuring instrument that you used would introduce a selection effect: it would only select from a subset of the domain you were trying to sample.

Now that's a kind of standard fact of statistics, and there are methods for trying to correct for it and you obviously have to take that into account when considering the fish distribution in your pond. An observation selection effect is a selection effect introduced not by limitations in our measurement instrument, but rather by the fact that all observations require the existence of an observer. This becomes important, for instance, in evolutionary biology. For instance, we know that intelligent life evolved on Earth. Naively, one might think that this piece of evidence suggests that life is likely to evolve on most Earth-like planets. But that would be to overlook an observation selection effect. For no matter how small the proportion of all Earth-like planets that evolve intelligent life, we will find ourselves on a planet that did."

-Dr Nick Bostrom

Mistaking a referent for a measurement. I am reminded of Einstein when I ruminate on the fact that the most elegant ( simple) questions are the most profound. The same would apply to the answers that remain tenuous. Overwriting or superimposition by way of scripting in narratives reminds me of a channel wherein the flow. the forces, the parameters of the plastic fluidity of the medium carried within it are measured within an architecture incapable of measuring itself.
I wrote this and you are reading it but it is not a conversation and what we exchange is a set and a setting, and what lies between them that we cannot ascertain is the force that is a driving wheel to this dynamic, not what we already "know".
What we could learn has a delimited potential comparatively, if all of this could be reconfigured as to the set and setting but it cannot because of the room we sharing the habitation of has dictated the terminology of our dialog as well as the potential of a greater coherence.
However there is a force we term imagination that is the basis of deconstruction as well as allowing or more accurately, reconfiguring the categories that allow us to consider "impossible" possibilities that have an existence and yet are not materialized by referents, whether by our senses nor by language. Consider the utility of imagination as well as it's architecture and how it may inform our study of the paranormal. Consider that language at it's root is a self organizing form and dynamic of raw energy and that imagination is the recombinant genome of a certain transference between language and another equally vital realm that is embryonic to potential in the relationship between the observer dynamic and the resultant effects of how one has observed or measured the referents of observation, in terms of novelty versus the limited aspects of the channel we move along within, being unable to measure it by our own architecture.
Herein lies perhaps an unknown force that turns the liminal axis of the paranormal between the observable and strange effects of a deconstructive and recombinant agency that can create a bridge between the material and the immaterial, the possible and the impossible, between logic and dream scapes. In other words imagination may exist beyond the parameters we assign to it by observer selection effect.
If this is so, we have no language for this. It is neither fish nor fowl nor flesh.
As a isthmus variant of prosaic caricaturisation, it is both observable and yet is not, and yet what is seen and what is not seen from this platform is intrinsically variants of the same modality in terms of the depth of materialization and the breath of being recognizable all of which is based upon relationships of comparability otherwise, it would never be "noticed" in it's liminal dynamic.
One could consider that there is absolutely no separation of any contingency except by the act of observation.