Thursday, March 5, 2015

Close Encounters And Self Suggestion

"I don't believe that any human mind is capable of 100 percent error... Nobody is smart enough to be wrong all the time."  - Ken Wilbur

This post originated when a faint memory of the infamous Betty and Barney Hill incident wafted back through my mind and specifically the interesting detail of their  being lead to "the ship." They had no sensation of their feet being planted on the ground which suggested to me that this lack of somatic awareness resembles a dream...or was it something else entirely different and yet resembled one? Dreams of flying during a sleep cycle versus a subject being hypnotized to believe they are a chicken in a waking variant.  Is there an X factor submerged behind the common perception that all of this had a died in wool "reality" to it?
One could say both are altered states of perception from a normative waking state. 

"Certainly. I think it's an opportunity to learn something very fundamental about the universe because, not only is the phenomenon or technology capable of manipulating space and time in ways that we don't understand, it's manipulating the psychic environment of the witness."
Jacques Vallee

Consequently, I asked myself, can we take witness accounts at their face value or is something more complex being hinted at from a neurological and psychological perspective?

Recalling the common thread of a high energy field in relation to close encounters and the ill effects of it's radiation particularly the cases in South America wherein witnesses described being both freezing and having a high temperature. I asked a physician friend about what could cause such effects...She said dehydration as it relates to the body having a high internal temperature...common in severe cases of influenza foe example....which then lead me to think about heat energy  from an a localized field. Does a energy field cause neurological effects? 
All this made me think or imagine someone within a high energy field and reasonably perhaps conjecture this would have an isolating effect both electromagnetically as in brain functioning and processing and psychologically. I remembered the isolation tank experiments of the 1960's conducted by John C Lilly and the vivid hallucinations that occurred as a result.

"At lower levels of exposure, evidence for specific effects that may occur as a result of direct neural interactions with radio frequency fields is sparse. In addition, many of the studies that claim provocative results have yet to be replicated by independent laboratories. Other studies describe potential associations. For example, a recent report suggests that the low-intensity electromagnetic field of geomagnetic storms--disturbances in the earth¿s magnetic field caused by gusts of solar wind--may have a subtle but measurable influence on suicide incidence in women.
In recent years, cell phones, which transmit and receive at radio frequencies, have become ubiquitous. Researchers have investigated whether these low-intensity radio waves influence the central nervous system and cognitive performance. .."

Of course many are familiar with the electromagnetic experiments regarding direct brain stimulation carried on at Laurentian University by Dr Persinger and his "God Helmet" that created a definite impression of the so called "Third Man Factor" wherein an invisible presence of a non existent presence of another was induced.

"Electromagnetic fields, or electric shocks, have induced specific hallucinations in people. Those who are exposed to them, even in laboratory settings, have caused people to complain about a feeling of people following them, talking to them, or watching them. This is not always an uncomfortable sensation. Some people interpret this presence as a malevolent presence, especially if it's coupled with a feeling of unease, but others say they felt an inspiring or comforting presence. Ghost hunters will sometimes say the reverse - that ghosts cause a high electromagnetic field, or sometimes that a high electromagnetic field will allow ghosts to appear. Nobody is sure, yet, what these fields do to ghost brain DNA."

Electromagnetic theories of brain functions abound although none are irrefutable.

When you boil all the aforementioned considerations down a question of suggestibility seems to connect them in relation to what was experienced. However, instead of someone waving a shiny object before their eyes perhaps there is a variant....self-suggestion.

Can we become convinced of the physicality of what has not been seen? Can we experience ghost images and forms that create ghost memories, that is, memories of what has been experienced without having three dimensional physicality? Certainly our conveyance of thought itself as I wrote about in the last post has no physicality and yet it is the lens through which we experience life. Thought suggests, imagines, and is full of stored data as associations, identifications, emotional trigger objects….an entire invisible ecology. 
Many indications exist that may indicate our normal waking state is a imaginative and suggestive one.

All of this is entrained to the environment as a codex of interpretation that is essentially subjective …...and going further down this road, in our dream cycles, these thoughts and their relationship between the outer world and the inner world become reversed, wherein the inside becomes the outside, full of experiential realities that have no physicality. Tying all this together is perhaps the principle of self suggestion and it's relationship to what we call "consciousness". Pavlov noticed this as well..

"Speech, on account of the whole preceding life of the adult, is connected up with all the internal and external stimuli which can reach the cortex, signaling all of them and replacing all of them, and therefore it can call forth all those reactions of the organism which are normally determined by the actual stimuli themselves. We can, therefore, regard ‘suggestion’ as the most simple form of a typical reflex in man"

In this post I ask..Does this situation lend itself toward an explanation of experiential memories tied to close encounters with a UAP field?

Going from an examination of the Jinn and their spectrum of appearances that are dependant on the environment in relation to the observer to the suggestive and normative state of consciousness, we return to the observer and examine the nature of a chief feature within UAP, which is a localised high energy field, which, if one encountered such a field, one might think that for the observer, it would be a profound source of attention, a focusing phenomenon. One of the pioneers in the study of hypnotic induction, James Braid, used a focusing technique termed eye-fixation. Below, in his own words are the basic techniques he utilised to place a subject in a hypnotic state. When reading this, I was struck by recalling the the common characteristics of those who experience close encounters with such a field which are 1) Isolation from the environment in the loss of awareness of same as in a hypnotic state 2) The sense of lost time resulting from this. 3) The dream like and out of context images and forms.

Braid said:

“Take any bright object (e.g. a lancet case) between the thumb and fore and middle fingers of the left hand; hold it from about eight to fifteen inches from the eyes, at such position above the forehead as may be necessary to produce the greatest possible strain upon the eyes and eyelids, and enable the patient to maintain a steady fixed stare at the object.

The patient must be made to understand that he is to keep the eyes steadily fixed on the object, and the mind riveted on the idea of that one object. ( Note: Would contact with a high energy field naturally induce this focus?) It will be observed, that owing to the consensual adjustment of the eyes, the pupils will be at first contracted: They will shortly begin to dilate, and, after they have done so to a considerable extent, and have assumed a wavy motion, if the fore and middle fingers of the right hand, extended and a little separated, are carried from the object toward the eyes, most probably the eyelids will close involuntarily, with a vibratory motion. If this is not the case, or the patient allows the eyeballs to move, desire him to begin anew, giving him to understand that he is to allow the eyelids to close when the fingers are again carried towards the eyes, but that the eyeballs must be kept fixed, in the same position, and the mind riveted to the one idea of the object held above the eyes. In general, it will be found, that the eyelids close with a vibratory motion, or become spasmodically closed.”

When we think of a hypnotist directly suggesting to a subject various scenarios that the subject becomes engaged within, we consider a hypnotic state that if induced by one's immersion in a field that isolates and concentrates by focus, a state of high suggestion then it may be that the subject in this case is self suggesting based on his or her locality, the predetermination of their relation to the environment, his or her data from associative memories, identifications, fears, etc to create, in effect, a waking dream. Again where this takes place ( as in the case of the Jinn) may be a steering mechanism for the experience itself as one's environment does contain clues in one's orientation to it. therefore perhaps suggests images, scenarios that are brought to the surface in a waking dream.

Braid ruminated on the strangeness of this state:

"it appears to me, that the general conclusions established by Mesmer’s practice, with respect to the physical effects of the principle of imagination (more particularly in cases where they co-operated together), are incomparably more curious than if he had actually demonstrated the existence of his boasted science [of "animal magnetism"]: nor can I see any good reason why a physician, who admits the efficacy of the moral [i.e., psychological] agents employed by Mesmer, should, in the exercise of his profession, scruple to copy whatever processes are necessary for subjecting them to his command, any more than that he should hesitate about employing a new physical agent, such as electricity or galvanism"

Of course what I am thinking about is that a hypnotic state is one of dissociation and a theory was developed by Y.D. Tsai in 1995, as part of his psychosomatic theory of dreams. Inside each brain, there is a program "I" (the conscious self), which is distributed over the conscious brain and coordinates mental functions (cortices), such as thinking, imagining, sensing, moving and reasoning. "I" also supervises memory storage. Many bizarre states of consciousness are actually the results of dissociation of certain mental functions from "I". Considering the states in which close encounters occur whether they be "abductions" or simply a close proximity to a perceived out of context objectification within a high energy field, is there any similarity to a state of hypnotic disassociation?

According to Dr Tsai, here are several possible types of dissociation that may occur:

1) the subject's imagination is dissociated and sends the imagined content back to the sensory cortex resulting in dreams or hallucinations
2) some senses are dissociated, resulting in hypnotic anesthesia
3) motor function is dissociated, resulting in immobility
4) reason is dissociated
5) thought is dissociated and not controlled by reason, hence, for example striving to straighten the body between two chairs.

Is there a correlation between the experiential accounts of close encounters and the induction of self suggestion when one is immersed in a localized high energy field? Does luminosity in of itself of a intense variety induce a focus that leads to a hypnotic state?
I don't know and like the phenomenon itself the entire manifestation of a rearranged relationship between the observer and the observed is a highly complex one.

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