Monday, March 24, 2014

Another Analysis of Effects From Ongoing Climatic Changes

An update to the post "Mother Nature Land"...that adds additional information to the NASA report I had posted which suggested a tipping point within fifteen years. The media silence regarding these reports is both astonishing and yet all too familiar. One can only imagine the consequences to third world nations.

What personally adds a dash of paranormality to my view of these events is the extraordinarily vivid dream I had nearly a decade ago that was recounted at my former blog regarding catastrophic environmental effects that were, at that time less defined as in the above and former reports I have posted.
I found myself on a coast of this country during the night as large bonfires were burning amid the rubble of homes that faced the ocean and then I was transported to what was a tent city that had corporate banners flapping above the lines of a wide variety of folks lined up at tables. I asked a woman who was standing next to me what this was all about. This was not charity, it was "emergency employment" so to speak..the recruitment of victims to be employed elsewhere away from the devastation. To say the least, her opinion of this activity was far from favorable. My own view alongside her was the sense I was in a internment camp and I was agitated as well in the midst of this activity. A majority of those I saw were like ghosts having the stuffing knocked out of them. Listless is an apt description of how they appeared.
The experience wherever and whatever, was disturbing as this sense followed me on awakening.
Unsettling is a good description of the result as I was wrapped in it and remained so for several days...What the hell was that?
I honestly hope like Scrooge that this vivid dream was a bit of undigested beef and nothing more rather than a strange presentment.

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