Saturday, July 20, 2013

Open Systems and Cyclical Anomalies

Predictability and Chaos

One of the most difficult challenges with the scientific investigation of anomalies of any stripe is their shared key characteristic of unpredictability in every imaginable category, which hearkens back to the origin of physics. Until the advent of quantum physics, the workings of the universe was given a theory by consensus that it was akin to a precise, perfectly tuned clockwork.
We know that any cycle works by repetition within a measurable framework in a closed system just as we measure space by time through the orbital rotation of our planet and using weather prediction as a forecasting tool based on probability, using stationary points of observation that correlate data, we can say rain today has a 75% chance of occurring between such and such time in a specific location. One of the difficulties of predicting periods of heightened anomalous experiences may be attributed to the interconnection between an individuals biological energy field and anomalies we are aware of in our energy environment, but they remain elusive in of themselves in terms of their nature, let alone, their influence on perception.
That being the case, one can say that the behavior of animals in terms of fleeing an area or demonstrating anomalous behaviors just prior to a seismic event is a simplistic yet mysterious interconnection that may be due to the nature of environmental energy.
This is no example of hoo-doo but rather worthy of further examination as cited in this research paper.

 "Appearance of anomalies in the atmosphere before earthquakes (EQs) has been verified, through observation of anomalous transmission of VHF electromagnetic (EM) waves beyond line-of-sight. Anomalous increase of the received intensity for a few minutes - several hours on a day was identified by the previous 15-day running median and its inter-quartile range. The cross-correlation between the EQ occurrences and the anomalies shows that the appearance of anomalies was significantly enhanced within 5 days before M ≥ 4.8 EQs. The one-day average number of the anomaly appearance within 5 days was found 2.4 times larger than that of other days. Through the polarization measurement of the received EM waves, the anomalies were found to occur in the atmosphere."

In the research of causation regarding extraordinary experiences, the critical assumption is to focus on the individuals experience, and thus separating the experience from environmental factors, more specifically, we do not exist in a stable or fixed electromagnetic field. Gravitational anomalies are another factor which science has identified as being interconnected to crystalline deposits in the geological environment that influence the atmospheric energy fields.. We live in, not one, but several environments, just as we do not exist in one reality, but several parallel realities. Aldous Huxley stated the matter sufficiently, when he observed we are amphibious by nature, just as metaphysicians put the matter as we exist in a isthmus

   Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.” 
― Aldous HuxleyComplete Essays 2, 1926-2

Predictability and The Issues of Open Systems
One of the weakest links in theory and practice in analyzing anomalous events is it's incommensurable root in relation to causation and so the focus has been for some time among various researchers to approach the problem of predictability in reverse order. In other words the focus has been on where and when such events occur and analyse the resulting data, by searching for patterns of repetition The critical assumption being that these manifestations occur within a closed system, rather than an open one..
John Keel, who was known to carry his tongue firmly in cheek, while being self skeptical of his own suspicions, suggested that the 24th of every month appeared to coincide with a variety of anomalous events.
We tend to forget that non predicted anomalies occur elsewhere, whether it is ocean currents, the stock market, solar activity, etc and if you go searching for a comprehensive list of them, the potential list of the unpredictable is inexhaustible, whereas predictive events are comparatively rare. The discernment between living systems and mechanical systems seems to have been misplaced due to reductionism used to make the complex, "understandable", resulting in a series of evolving mythos.
One could suggest that closed systems are rarer than open systems in terms of  having repeatably predictive behavior and probability whether we use our own experience or read a daily newspaper. And so is the lack of predictive repeatability, a reliable arbiter to suggest that the paranormal is simply a figment of one's mind?
Of course, it is not. It could be that the very concept of a closed system is an absurdity and that open systems are the glue between various material and non material manifestations An apt example of open systems interacting is perhaps exemplified by the fact that dogs can predict an epileptic seizure up to 45 minutes before it happens. No one really knows what dogs are picking up on, but there are theories that it might have something to do with an unknown smell or tiny behavioral changes. Dogs can also sniff out cancers. 
For anyone interested in this topic, one can examine a state of energy, and this being what we call a heightened emotional state, which, of course has to due with activity in the physical brain as well as in the mind, this scientific paper should be of keen interest as far as the relationship between outer and inner states, leading to an anomalous state of both that could well be regarded as an example of open systems.

A Transient Coherence of Patterns
In terms of a pattern of events versus chaos, even a pattern has variability within a pattern that is cyclic and is repetitive, and so the analysis of emergent patterns is not a simple matter as it has been shown through Chaos Theory, while there may be a pattern present, the pattern may not be related to the subject of the search. One could consider this the weakness of the NSA's domestic intelligence monitoring of our communications as an aggregated sum. Then there a transient trends, sometimes termed transient coherence or more familiar to those who study atmospheric anomalies these are termed wave patterns.

Mind and Matter as Open Systems
What may be a significant clue that the biological aspect of the mind may be subject to cyclic influences is a state of brain wave activity in terms of cyclic experiential anomalies is known as the Theta State.
From the Skeptico website:

"Claims of telepathy, ESP and other psi phenomena are a mainstay of popular culture but taboo in neuroscience research circles.  Fortunately, Dr. Michael Persinger of Canada’s Laurentian University has never been afraid to venture where other researchers fear to go. In the 1980′s Persinger made headlines with his “God Helmet”, a device that stimulates temporal lobes with a weak magnetic field in order to produce religious states.
Now, Persinger has discovered the same type of brain stimulation can create metal states conducive to human telepathy.  “What we have found is that if you place two different people at a distance and put a circular magnetic field around both, and you make sure they are connected to the same computer so they get the same stimulation, then if you flash a light in one person’s eye the person in the other room receiving just the magnetic field will show changes in their brain as if they saw the flash of light. We think that’s tremendous because it may be the first macro demonstration of a quantum connection, or so-called quantum entanglement. If true, then there’s another way of potential communication that may have physical applications, for example, in space travel.”
While Persinger’s experiments could prove groundbreaking, he remains doubtful about his controversial findings reaching his colleagues, “I think the critical thing about science is to be open-minded. It’s really important to realize that the true subject matter of science is the pursuit of the unknown. Sadly scientists have become extraordinarily group-oriented. Our most typical critics are not are mystic believer types.  They are scientists who have a narrow vision of what the world is like.”"

In this, several researchers such as myself have suggested that there is no single bullet that sets off  chain of transient trending, although both of Princeton's PEAR study and Global Consciousnesses data appear to refute this suspicion. Oddly, in one of his last lectures, entitled Portents and Fortents, John Keel reviewed a pattern that linked key historical events to increased paranormal activity through wave patterns, long before the Global Consciousness Project  found any substantiation of a pattern and this pattern that was specifically assigned to shared , emotional states on the planet. Dr Brian Joesphson of Cambridge University who recently presented a paper entitled "Biological Observer-Participation and Wheeler’s ‘Law without Law" suggested ( I think rightfully) that biological systems must be accounted for when attempting to define the observer effect, which if we take emotional states as having a profound influence on the observer effect, this would go a long way in supporting the global shared emotional states found by Princeton to have a profound effect of statistical patterns versus random results .
Another aspect of interaction between the energy environment and the individual human energy field is that this field is cyclical and directly linked to the observer's relationship to perception. A goof example of this is what is known as the Theta state of the brains wave activity, which some researchers have suggested bears some indication that there is a relationship between vivid, waking and REM dream states, precognitive dreams as well as other anomalous phenomenon, and so we may have a more complex case of proverbial wheels within wheels in macro quantum phenomenon, such as UFO wave activity..

Wherein if we share a network envisioned by the results of data correlations as In Princeton's Global Consciousness Project, the atmosphere may serve as an energetic medium to create phenomenon that is in a intermediate state, neither solid nor intangible, existing in a transient wave form, akin to the nature of consciousness itself.

One researcher, cited by Keel in his book , "Our Haunted Planet" who worked at Princeton's Bell Laboratory did an averaged analysis of global wave activity that was emergent in a cycle of 9.6 years. Take the date of the Phoenix Lights and count forward. However, the term "wave activity" was coined long before the advent of quantum realities that mark Huxleys "amphibious" observer to the predictability of quantum wave activity in terms of an equal isthmus between a wave and a particle.Interestingly, science has begun to use wave activity to more fully understand human death processes, from beyond the biological processes in of themselves.

Holon Theory A Key to A Tumbler of Factors?
What I suspect is that there are several cycles involved that interact with one another and so it would be difficult to assign any dualism to this, terming them either exclusively closed or exclusively open. They appear to have characteristics of both. An apt analogy would be the cycling of orbital rotation of planets etc within a solar system. Some orbits and transit times are longer or shorter than others, some have a more elliptical path and yet all are influenced by one another, and to some extent within variations some can align to produce a more profound effect and other times, this is not so. Think of the difference between watching one clock and several at the same time while one clock influences another at varying rates, and yet as a whole, they operate as a system while at first glance all this seems chaotic  Again, none of this is simple nor should it be discounted. One could say that mentally and physically, our species individually on the surface and as a whole has both similarities and differences and yet we are one species, not several species.
Of course, to some degree, the environment plays a role when searching for effects rather than causation as David Rountree has pioneered the study of this aspect of anomalies which also can be compared to Dr Josephson's reasonable suggestion that our biology ( more specifically neurology has a strong influence on the observer effect. and in this case, David studies various bands of interacting field strengths to determine their influence ( if any) on the manifestation of experiential anomalies. A further extension of the study of our energetic planetary environment may lead to a connection that hearkens back to the periodicity of extra-planetary fields that wax and wane such as solar activity, which in of itself, is a mystery in terms of it's cycling, at the root of it's largely unpredictable and transient patterns  of storms, flares and sunspots. One could perhaps say that the unpredictability of wave activity in the study of the anomalous is a microcosm of other phenomenon, seemingly interconnected by an application of Arthur Koestler's Holon Theory. An accurate summation of his theory is found in Wikipedia, easily accessed by anyone, and yet the author of "The Ghost in The Machine" is largely forgotten.
The summation is as such:
"A holon (Greek: ὅλον, holon neuter form of ὅλος, holos "whole") is something that is simultaneously a whole and a part. The word was coined by Arthur Koestler in his book The Ghost in the Machine (1967, p. 48). Koestler was compelled by two observations in proposing the notion of the holon. The first observation was influenced by Nobel Prize winner Herbert A. Simon's parable of the two watchmakers, wherein Simon concludes that complex systems will evolve from simple systems much more rapidly if there are stable intermediate forms present in that evolutionary process than if they are not present. The second observation was made by Koestler himself in his analysis of hierarchies and stable intermediate forms in both living organisms and social organizations. He concluded that, although it is easy to identify sub-wholes or parts, wholes and parts in an absolute sense do not exist anywhere. Koestler proposed the word holon to describe the hybrid nature of sub-wholes and parts within in vivo systems. From this perspective, holons exist simultaneously as self-contained wholes in relation to their sub-ordinate parts, and dependent parts when considered from the inverse direction.
Koestler also says holons are autonomous, self-reliant units that possess a degree of independence and handle contingencies without asking higher authorities for instructions. These holons are also simultaneously subject to control from one or more of these higher authorities. The first property ensures that holons are stable forms that are able to withstand disturbances, while the latter property signifies that they are intermediate forms, providing a context for the proper functionality for the larger whole."
Any beginning physics students knows that energy and information are transcriber to one another and of course, the scientific quantum revolution suggests that the observer of phenomenon is a steering influence in determining predictive and repeatable behavior, but what of the millions of us as an aggregate observer much like the metaphoric Adam Kadmon who was one and yet many. Dr Persinger of Laurentian University has used the analogy of individual computers as stand in for individual beings that share a common network.

The Cyclical Lives of  Theories
What Vallee found as well as myself in a different series of contexts far afield from his own is that archaic metaphysical texts have an odd correspondence with new discoveries in physics.One of the most familiar examples of this correspondence of ancient metaphysical texts being applicable to contemporary quantum physics ia the relatively well known series of discussions between the Dali Lama of Tibetan Buddhism and physicists. Then we have Dr Persinger searching for what he terms "extrasolar influences" meaning that energy waves from a source outside the predictable patterns of energy exchanges  between bodies within our own system may be partly responsible for this "wave" activity, which then hearkens back to Rodney Collin's  non scientific treatise,who, as a disciple of PD Ouspensky that was entitled "The Celestial Influence"  that suggested that much the same could be occurring and wrote the book in the hope that science would take such a possibility seriously in order to analyse it.Unfortunately copies of this book as well as others are hard to come by.

The Janus Face of Experiential Reality
If physics is correct in their critical assumption that energy and information are the Janus face of phenomenon regardless of how we classify events, it would be surprising if synchronicity in and as presages to anomalous and transient waves of anomalous activity did not occur and yet it seems in terms of our search for coherent cycles that lie behind the wave effect of anomalous events, we are stuck in a asynchronous situation analogous to  the absence of weather prediction decades ago. Meaningful coincidence can be analysed outside of one's own subjectivity toward valuation if we simply compare the entrainment of  seemingly disparate events that are as self organizing as in Koestler's Holon theory, that seemingly defy blind probability, let alone such phenomenon taking up the ladder of complexity to the realm of precognition.
Dr Jacques Vallee's recent presentation at TED on his theory of everything being information in various interactive states is, if anything, an intriguing possibility and yet we remain in Borge's "Library of Babel", a metaphor in light of the relationship between energy and information.
 In this short story Borges's narrator describes how his universe consists of an enormous expanse of interlocking hexagonal rooms, each of which contains the bare necessities for human survival—and four walls of bookshelves. Though the order and content of the books is random and apparently completely meaningless, the inhabitants believe that the books contain every possible ordering of just a few basic characters (23 letters, spaces and punctuation marks). Though the majority of the books in this universe are pure gibberish, the library also must contain, somewhere, every coherent book ever written, or that might ever be written, and every possible permutation or slightly erroneous version of every one of those books. The narrator notes that the library must contain all useful information, including predictions of the future, biographies of any person, and translations of every book in all languages. Conversely, for many of the texts some language could be devised that would make it readable with any of a vast number of different contents.
Despite — indeed, because of — this glut of information, all books are totally useless to the reader, leaving the librarians in a state of suicidal despair. This leads some librarians to superstitions and cult-like behavior, such as the "Purifiers", who arbitrarily destroy books they deem nonsense as they scour through the library seeking the "Crimson Hexagon" and its illustrated, magical books. Another is the belief that since all books exist in the library, somewhere one of the books must be a perfect index of the library's contents; some even believe that a messianic figure known as the "Man of the Book" has read it, and they travel through the library seeking him.
Perhaps the metaphysical equivalence is Attar's "Conference of The Birds"  which may be an apt commentary on human desires  as told in the metaphor related to the search by a flock of birds for a anthropomorphic deity that is a bias projection of themselves as if they themselves were gifted with  a incommensurable knowledge of a universe unchanging, again, as in the discarded theory of the universe as a work of precision machinery rather than a living creature. It would seem the library is as evolving as the microcosm of any creature walking, crawling or swimming upon the Earth. 
Perhaps this Janus face of energy and information is the crux of animism, another ancient system of interaction by way of metaphysics that has evolved into pantheism.

A Mirror Universe
One gets the impression that we reside in a universe of our own habitation, that explores it's nature through us as we explore the universe to learn of our own nature. The renowned Islamic metaphysician Ib Al-Arabi , suggested that if one can learn what is between the mirror and the image, that is as far as it is humanly possible in terms of attaining a transpersonal, experiential reality that allows for some insight as to this situation. In other texts, the human being is seen as an isthmus in a mirror universe between environments, or as Huxley observed, we are amphibious by nature. Even the distinction of "I'  versus "Not I" at some point becomes a provincial distinction wrought by biology. Is there a ecclesiastical season for all things under heaven, just as there are the "seasons" of REM and waking consciousness albeit in a greater velocity of cycling? Or is this search for patterns yet another mirror? These questions remain unanswered.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

The Skins of Demonic Simulations

“Thus fortified I might take my rest in peace. But dreams come through stone walls, light up dark rooms, or darken light ones, and their persons make their exists and their entrances as they please, and laugh at locksmiths.” 
― Joseph Sheridan Le FanuCarmilla

“Without self knowledge, without understanding the working and functions of his machine, man cannot be free, he cannot govern himself and he will always remain a slave.” 
― G.I. Gurdjieff

"In the province of the mind, what one believes to be true is true or becomes true, within certain limits to be found experientially and experimentally. These limits are further beliefs to be transcended. In the mind, there are no limits... In the province of connected minds, what the network believes to be true, either is true or becomes true within certain limits to be found experientially and experimentally. These limits are further beliefs to be transcended. In the network's mind there are no limits."
John C Lilly The Human Biocomputer (1974)

This post is a rumination on the subtitles and complexities of how we view so called demonic possession versus the various states of possession we normally inhabit and the parallel processing of emotional states and rational states that coexist. and the proverbial subsystem that acts as a firewall between them. When this firewall fails, PSI activity appears to follow, and we do not interpret this as a outward projection of a hidden sentience within ourselves, and while this may be true within ourselves, we follow this biological taboo by projecting it outward as a sort of  exorcism of our own demons that then become self prophetic as an outward expression of the observer effect, that has consequences in a local environment of both unconscious self mutilation as well as emotional energy driven to PSI levels. While an oversimplification perhaps, our conceptual models are, in essence, contingent belief systems based on a pragmatic necessity to stereotype what constitutes reality.
However, underpinning the anomalous is the anomalies of human psychology wherein one formulation of psychosis in terms of being self aware is considered to be taboo and another is considered to be acceptable in terms of our being rooted in theologies without knowing anything of their origin and yet millions of individuals have been murdered in sanctioned forms of psychosis that are deeply rooted in dualism, theology and demonisation of "the other." 

“As I say at the beginning of my workshops, 'Everything I say here is a lie -- bullshit, in other words -- because anything that you put in words is not experience, is not the experiment. It's a representation -- a misrepresentation.” 
― John C. Lilly

The evolving glorification's of institutionalized psychosis  that utilize denial and philosophic metaphysics to destroy life is plain and simple and yet only a few rare individuals are horrified by this. One could use the term possession toward these projected emotional abuses toward the deep entanglements we have with dualism and a metaphysical basis for acceptable, outright hypocrisy.

Possession As A Microcosm Within A Mirror 
The impetus for writing this post was to set into writing all the attendant issues of dualism that surround the sexual abuse and murder of children, the psychiatric issues of some but leavened with an understanding that certain manifestations of anomalous events have a cause in nature, and while extraordinary cannot simply be given over and consigning this to the demonisation of individuals by placeholders as a projection bias who are anthropomorphic doppelgangers  for events, individuals and organic conditions.
Here are but a sample of what I am referring to as the impetus for this post.

What of other views? Here is one.

The naive stereotype regarding the evolution of societies being advanced beyond their tool making skills, especially in light of the ballyhoo surrounding the advent of the 21st Century, seems to neatly edit the underpinning of what constitutes the majority of belief systems. When it comes to this subject and what occurs to even one victim, never say never is not good enough.
The origins of dualism is an interesting case in point, in of itself, whose roots are intertwined with Zoroaster's influence in the evolution of Christianity that are well documented in Elaine Pagels study "The Origin of Satan" ( as well as the foment in the Mideast during the corruption of the Pharisees under Roman occupation and the subsequent  demonisation of foes within the socio-political content that developed in the birth of the Jesus Movement. Here we are over 2,000 years later seemingly unable to untangle the threads that bind belief systems that effectively hide the truly anomalous to our experience.

Demonic possession is held by many belief systems to be the control of an individual by a malevolent preternatural being while I suggesting is that the mind processes in a bicameral and parallel manner as emotions are a formulation of instinctual survival that are posed against chaos. 
Those readers who were followers of Intangible Materiality might recall Brian Joesphson of Cambridge University who recently presented a paper entitled "Biological Observer-Participation and Wheeler’s ‘Law without Law" In other words, biological systems must be accounted for when attempting to define the observer effect, which is also a theme of this post.

 Descriptions of demonic possessions often include erased memories or personalitiesconvulsions, “fits” and fainting as if one were dying. Other descriptions include access to hidden knowledge (gnosis) and foreign languages (xenoglossia), drastic changes in vocal intonation and facial structure, the sudden appearance of injuries (scratches, bite marks) or lesions, and superhuman strength. Unlike in channeling, the subject has no control over the possessing entity and so it will persist until forced to leave the victim, usually through a form of exorcism and yet these outward manifestations are, in themselves, an exorcism by expression to the environment from within that lead to PSI phenomenon. There are no "others" in possession of the mind and it's somatic expression other than the conflicted stereotypes between emotional and intellectual processing that are normally kept under a secured access in waking consciousnesses, that awaken in REM sleep that express a visual emotional language, that is a hybrid of the intellect. 

Feedback Loops Versus Inquiry
The video posted below, while not specifically addressing this subject matter, was taken at a conference were the topics of self deception, healthy skepticism and the exploration of phenomenon that are "deeply hidden" were discussed by a well known religious figure, who seemingly remains immune to blatant dogmatism while immersed in and having a role within a theology with definite strictures. The reason for this video being included is to present a comparison, wherein demonic possession supports a theological structure and those who seemingly have such experiences become pawns in the support of strictures and dogma, that ironically are entirely self referential, without any consideration that the experience itself may not be the work of vague "demons" in the cause of dualism, but rather something more deeply hidden that is paranormal, none the less. Consider that with cases of what is termed demonic possession, we have a feedback loop whose channel is reinforced by self reference rather than inquiry. Both those who have a anomalous, highly emotional and self mutilating situation have their framework already pre-existent to create the modality of  symptomatic totems within the framework of theological duality, rather than the irrational emotional processing normally found in a REM state being superimposed on the rationality of the intellect.

Simulated States In A Mirror Universe.
We navigate the many currents and eddies of experiential realities by interpretation and our mind's simulations of the many environments we are embedded within, and one of the themes in this blog is determining the balance between our thoughts based on language that are "set" upon stereotyping the repeat ability of sensory experience by way of semiotics and then, on the other hand, there is the anomalous that seemingly does not correspond with these seemingly reliable "skins"..of conceptual models, the visual language of our simulations. In the vast majority of paranormal interactions the ghosts of information encoded as memory as a unique state of energy, require a conscious or unwitting coherence  to a seeming quantum storage plenum, analogous in concept to the universe being "as above, so below" in it's wiring, which leads to various speculations whether the universe is dreaming or in a waking state. If the universe simulates it's own nature through the materialization of all possibilities, not being as limited in it's range of imagery  in comparison to ourselves, we might be the inverse side of a proverbial mirror wherein out own simulations are internal while our environment is in a reversed ordering. 

The Limits of Physical Behaviorism
How much do we overlay realities and are played by with our own simulations? What are the correspondences between waking and dreaming states in terms of our own puppetry versus choice?  This state of affairs was placed within the metaphor of Rene Daumal.

Man is head, chest and stomach. Each of these animals operates, more often than not, individually. I eat, I feel, I even, although rarely, think…. This jungle crawls and teems, is hungry, roars, gets angry, devours itself, and its cacophonic concert does not even stop when you are asleep. “

from Vol. 2, Essais et Notes

In REM sleep our biological programming sends encoded signals shut down the neurons in our spinal cord, causing a temporary paralysis of our limbs. Without such a mechanism, we could run into furniture while chasing a simulated ball or strike someone else in the simulation of swatting virtual flies. In a waking state, there is no such overriding control subsystem to limit our interactions by way of our own continuing simulations in our interaction with another state of virtual realities and our defining referential languages, seem to act as limiting mechanisms much in the same manner as a semi-paralysis of potential choices in physical behaviorism. Of course, all of this requires a certain burial, a walling off of a ontology that has it's own truisms that could be considered a haunting of the waking state by a perverse doppelganger of  rationality that speaks a language of chaos inherent in our fears.

The Root of The Demonic: Secured Data Systems Versus Nightmares

"If someone talks of subconsciousness, I cannot tell whether he means the term topographically – to indicate something lying in the mind beneath consciousness – or qualitatively – to indicate another consciousness, a subterranean one, as it were. He is probably not clear about any of it. The only trustworthy antithesis is between conscious and unconscious." 
-Sigmund Freud

All of this brings to mind another form of suppression that also seems autonomic, that takes our self awareness and paces it in a stable environment compartmentalized from the anxieties and fears  that are of a emotional nature rather than a rational or encoded intellect of language. I sense they are there and are conscious in their own manner but not in the same modality as our other functioning simulations. If unchecked, it certainly would have a profound effect on physical behaviorism. As in our laptops, there appears to be a firewall between these two modalities of processing relationships and their attendant associative inferences, that trigger behaviorism. Edgar Allan Poe comes to mind as being profoundly descriptive of this forbidden territory, hence his work is timeless. 

The Visualization of Instinct: Threatened from Without 
I suspect that our programmed instincts that are autonomous with the proviso that some are able to be attenuated by our own responses to sensing them, just as many are not. Since they fall into a non linguistic realm, structured more as waves than sentences organised by premeditation does not necessarily preclude their taking a form that is visual which then goes into another aspect of the mind's parallel processing that creates phenomenon known as nightmares that are at present largely conceptualized as being entirely internally simulated with no outward expression having an effect on material objects although there is very strong evidence that depression, a prolonged string of bad luck, high emotional states are linked to our instincts as well as producing ( although rarely) PSI effects. Then there is the current debate whether these are structured as either open or closed systems, as in the case of precognitive dreams \ nightmares.

Open or Closed Systems In Consideration of Firewalls
A good example of this type comes from my own experiences. A case in point. I found myself in a seemingly abandoned city, in the front of what struck me as a shambling library, one of those that have that sort of Grecian architecture. I was perfectly fine with this and my curiosity about this state of affairs was naturally aroused while knowing I was inhabiting a simulation, also knowing there was nothing I could do about being within it. So, strolling along, I noticed the buildings etc were in far worse shape than I originally visualized them to be as I began to increase my attention to looking deeper in this experience, and while doing so, out of the corner of my eye I could see humanoid black shadows sort of darting around, so I began to walk faster, which in retrospect seems silly. They seemed to be closing in, and so a full blown pursuit was in play and I was running or should I say moving..when I became absolutely paralyzed and  I was grabbed, placed in a gurney by several who were ghoulish in appearance, like corpses, wearing some sort of uniform. We entered what was without a doubt, an abandoned hospital that was filthy. While I was being rolled in this gurney, I am not embarrassed to say I was terrified out of my wits. The next thing once we entered what seemed to be an operating room, I was being tortured in the most excruciating simulation I ever felt..I cried out "Why are you doing this to me?"
One said "You don't belong here. You must go back to the living.."
I awoke with a start sat up in bed, and was shaken.
A week goes by. I was in the kitchen off the family room cleaning up when I felt an odd sensation of heaviness in my own breathing which alarmed me and I began to get busier as this heaviness began to feel like a constriction, as if I could shake this off. Then very suddenly, I was paralyzed and felt the most torturous pain I have ever experienced, just as in the nightmare. 911 was called and a gurney rolled into the family room. I could not move. It was so painful I wished I were dead.
I entered a dream state which I am sure came from the fact I was in shock, and the uniformed rescue folks hovered over me and very soon I was fully conscious on a operating table having a stent placed into my main artery into the heart.You could say I reached a bridge and was returned to the living. To me I had few doubts that my nightmare was a prophetic simulation ad yet even now I am at a loss to explain how all this came about. Call it a materialization of an acute nightmare as a  metaphor that appeared demonic in relation to my instincts..

Self Preservation By Way of The Demonic
Perhaps the strongest expression of the self organisation of the adaptive system we term "personality" is it's self preservation and oddly, it seems to me, that it's coping mechanism appears to be threatening and of course, we have been ingrained to believe ( or many of us have), that the demonic is sentient as a autonomous entity with a freedom of choice, and while no discernment  regarding this have been forthcoming from others, these manifestations seem to have what I would term a cellular intelligence that are transcriptions of other internal processes made external, not by by "others". One could call this phenomenon, "deeply hidden" and yet, they are highly strange, perhaps more strange than our fantasies of evil spirits from without.

Arbiters of Adaptation
The Sufi interpretation of a conceptual reality that illustrates a portion of this post refers to Hell in terms of the death of the acquired states of personality, which in other texts are referred to as "false personality" which designates the contingent and adaptive nature of the nexus of all of the information  we utilize to navigate a somatic existence, and the metaphorical "fire"is not a medieval punishment but rather the death of what is no longer required as an isthmus between two realms, one being material and the other being intangible. A simplified description of this process is the metaphor of the Phoenix in the end result being a clean slate, as it were in another metaphor.

Theologies of Exorcism

“My friend, the truth is always implausible, did you know that? To make the truth more plausible, it's absolutely necessary to mix a bit of falsehood with it. People have always done so.” 
― Fyodor DostoyevskyDemons

When I examine cases of demonic possession in relation to this concept, without placing them in the context of dualism, I noticed that the theology that is globally dispersed in various belief systems is secondary to the process of exorcism. In other words, Catholic concepts have nothing to do with the concepts of Northern African tribes in terms of the methodologies used nor the attendant scripts used to formulate them and yet the results are remarkably similar as well as the symptoms.

Reversed Causation
That being said in light of internal instinctual emotions that are not formulated nor processed in the same manner as waking consciousness that are exorcised into the environment as externals, like white blood cells fighting off an infection of personality the concept of demon becomes a semiotic placeholder and container that is a target of the experiencer rather than the demon targeting the victim.

Auto-Suggestion and Hypnotic Process
If we look into the nature of the processing spoken and written formulations of communication languages in relation to the processes of the mind, it became apparent to me that we dwell in a semi-hypnotic state naturally as an organic firewall and that semiotics itself is a form of auto-suggestion.The mind in some circumstances externalizes a framework in a specific carrier such as a demon that may create a channel of conceptualizing a threat within the observer effect in high emotional states that are in of themselves, formless but must be given form to be taken from the hapless mind to an agent to be cured in an external counter suggestion through repetition and  the enfoldment of the externalized agent as a feedback loop wherein one hand washes the other. The specifics of the rituals used seem to be, once again, secondary to the dynamics of the process, where this situation becomes interesting to this writer is when emotional energy is released as a force of PSI in terms of psychokinesis, wherein the environment of the experiencer is attacked as they are threatened by it, as well as strange self mutilations appear.

More on this later...

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Out of Darkness:Parapsychology

After publishing a post on Arthur Koestler, one of the founding fathers of PSI Theory, I thought it might be interesting to post a "then and now" comparison that takes us to the present day.

It takes a certain temerity to set as a lifelong goal, the measurement of the incommensurable, but then again this is what all of us do daily toward the experiential stereotypes we all are meshed without the benefit of divided attention in most cases, that would allow us to gauge our own states while being drawn toward others.

Can the ontology of the egg be divided from the chicken?

Our own personal processing of energy as information has been suggested by Dr Persinger at Laurentian University to be a parable of being interconnected a macro-processing that occurs in it's working comparable to a networked subsystem in a transpersonal manner. This was termed transception by the late Dr John C Lilly and later, expanded upon by Dr Vallee, as reported here in the term "the physics of information".

 I consider Dr Roe as well as the aforementioned explorers of the parallel realities we inhabit, to be an example of the quiet courage that accompanies those who venture into darkness.

A darkness we inhabit.