Friday, February 22, 2013


The Compositions of The Paranormal
As in popular music one could call this the chorus of the paranormal, or the hook that is as old as the recorded history of man. Perhaps older. First there are seemingly odd but largely insignificant events that are precursors to a more compounded and even stranger sense of events that are out of the ordinary.  At the least, those I have studied. Then there is the hook, the chorus to the composition, the distinction that makes all the other entangled elements of an event fall into place as a context to a anomalous experience that is undeniable to those who suffer it.
As in the study of genetics which is analogous to a musical composition, once a distinction in the composition is made, it cannot be undone. In the same manner,there is a internal post-editorial review afterward in the minds of those who have experience such an event. A sort of pattern of differentiation made by a distinction, which could be considered a mutation.once again. What we may in the paranormal is a counterpunctual evolutionary strain in regard to self awareness that while mostly unintelligible from the point of view of rational logic, there might be a subcarrier strain that is more lyrical than our normal linear narratives as if genetics were composing what Leonard Bernstein  advocated; "This will be our reply to violence: to make music more intensely, more beautifully, more devotedly than ever before."  Counter narratives that are composed improvisationally and superimposed on the prosaic or the stereotypes we create. Perhaps these highly strange experiences are composed as a accelerated but embryonic form of PSI , more akin to Jazz than to Pilgrim's progress. I am not trying to infer a Pythagorean maths of music, but rather something less formal, something in the process of creation..then there may be antecedents..

Perhaps as a experiment one can add a soundtrack to your further reading if you chose. In this post it only seems appropriate, or at least to me, it warrants more dimensional aspects of the senses that I am at odds to offer you. Another term for this composition in play could be metamorphosis.
From Wikipedia:

"Metamorphosis is a biological process by which an animal physically develops after birth or hatching, involving a conspicuous and relatively abrupt change in the animal's body structure through cell growth and differentiation. .
Scientific usage of the term is exclusive, and is not applied to general aspects of cell growth, including rapid growth spurts. References to "metamorphosis" in mammals are imprecise and only colloquial, but historically idealist ideas of transformation and monadology, as in Goethe'sMetamorphosis of Plants, influenced the development of ideas of evolution."


Multiplication and Mutations
  Ring composition is a narrative technique said to be characteristic of preliterate peoples and oral modes of composition.  In ring composition, a narrator touches on a number of topics until a significant topic is reached, then continues on in the narrative by retracing in reverse order the topics which were mentioned on the way to the significant point. Ring composition is an important element in epic poetry like Beowulf, Homeric epics,and in many other traditional texts that show signs of being composed orally. [ Mary Douglas, Thinking in circles: An essay on ring composition, Yale Univ. Press, 2007] 
Again we encounter language and language as the organised structure of associations in oral, written or internalized in the  mentation processes of the mind, none of which seemingly never arrive directly at the point they are trying to make. Is this not correct? The same might be said for the paranormal. .as well as for the Arts as I noted in the last post where I ruminated on distinctions and the relationship between the normal and the paranormal as a process of mutation, that is also perhaps representative of a highly unique but non-sensate genome that is always being differentiated. Mary might think in terms of a spiral rather than a circle when it comes to ring composition. I image this as the inverse image of  a stone being thrown onto the surface of a pond, only in this case the ripples cast out a stone. One that vanishes when you attempt to capture it.
Chiasmus is a term derived from the Greek. It is the 22nd letter in that alphabetic written genome denoted as X (chi) that translates into a form of logics or maths (paths of semiotics) which are associative, which in turn represents ring composition.  

Accelerated Rates of Transitions and Evolutionary Leaps Then we have the inferences of Gurdieff pulled from the chapter on Hypnotism from his metaphysical tome, "All and Everything" Think in terms of change in the state of the mind body relationships in relation to thought language, concepts etc. Think of accelerated change as a spontaneous but transient mutation as it is experienced.

And so, when thanks to a change of tempo of their blood circulation* there is obtained a temporary  suspension of the action of the localization of that false consciousness which has already become the ‘autocratic ruler’ of their common presences, thereby giving the sacred data of their genuine consciousness the possibility of unhindered blending with the total functioning of the planetary body during the period of their waking state, then indeed my boy, if the crystallization of data for engendering in that localization an idea of something opposite to that which had already arisen in them and somehow become fixed, is assisted in a corresponding manner, and if moreover the actions evoked by this idea are directed upon a disharmonized part of the planetary body, an accelerated change in it is possible.

* Gurdjieff stated that the circulatory rate is in relationship with the rate of associations as being enfolded processes, directs the level and rate of suggestions , all of which that have their own unique processing rate and consequently when one ( suggestion) drives associations at a higher rate than the processing rates of somatic systems, this results in a hypnotic state aka entrancement. Think of the relationship of high emotional states with paranormal experience as neither the chicken or the egg but one enfolded in the other to produce an effect. They both enfold into each other.  Or, at least, that is how I currently view this material.

Differentiation and Multiplications
I have often considered it to be compelling when thinking about my own and other anomalous experiences as a process of multiplication rather than division, a process analogous to the Chiasmus of 3 X 2, much like the processing of a quantisation that also seems similar to genetic processing. If Vallee is correct that everything is information, including the sensory, the somatic and the non-sensate that comprise the realities in and by us,  a process that is so subtle, so easily missed and so strange is occurring as you read this. 
Perhaps it is a hidden art we seek rather than the comparatively simplistic direct answers we tag with nothing more than terms. Our terms may be steering us instead of ourselves utilizing terms as descriptors. We are played, ironically enough like the keys of a piano following a score that is indeterminable by it's root but yet it follows a pattern. The pattern in of itself is a modality, and not a source. A sort of sympathetic relationship between the known and the delimited is woven as a evolutionary strain, perhaps it is a music of these spheres that is our habitation and X may mark the spot.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Broadcast Medium of Quantum Television

The Provocation of Anomalies: Differentiation and Pattern

Logic will get you from A to Z; imagination will get you everywhere.” 
― Albert Einstein                                                                                                                                 
"Thus we cannot escape the fact that the world we know is constructed in order to see itself. This is indeed amazing. Not so much in view of what it sees, although this may appear fantastic enough, but in respect of the fact that it can see at all. But in order to do so, evidently it must first cut itself up into a least one state which sees, and at least one other state which is seen." -G. Spencer Brown

Wave and Form: The Visible As A Broadcast Medium
“Information is a difference that makes a difference.” 
― Gregory Bateson

What we see all around us is perhaps a non verbal dialog between the seen and the unseen that results in our own adaptation as a transience of a distinction. One that is falsely designated. . What appears to us as a steady state of affairs as in the objectification of energy in predictable forms akin to stereotypes are eternally being retooled, recycled and re-tuned in a quantum dance of  a chameleon where the nature of the reception that receives this broadcast of waves formulates the modalities of what appears. The most solid objectified material we can experience peculates behind the senses as Einstein famously discounted the veracity of terming anything a solid object. No such thing will ever exist in anything other than a temporal state of storage, exchange or informational fluidity. A game of interpretability is a relation between the differentiation of pattern that expresses the possibility of interpreting or translating one modality into the other and then there is the distinction of mutation in adaptation as a reconciling , yet transient principle of form. The effect versus causation. A fossil is a good example of this as the effect of a transience  that yet can be placed into a context of interpretability..between pattern and differentiation. A realm of mutations.

We are no exception ourselves, although the sleight of hand created by the minds simulations of continuity steer us away from experiential anomalies that contradict the biological senses. A certain twist in our biology is always serving our environment's needs, the urging and compulsion to procreate, to wage war, to dream...only rarely does this biochemical writ becomes fluid in the anomalous experience, and calling this all a coincidence being the result of knowing very little beyond our  somatic tunnel vision. It's as if our planet would prefer us to ignore the rapping at our door, while we sit entranced in front of our stereoscopic television sets being pushed and pulled this way or that..

And yet our tunnel has been also enmeshed by the symmetries of the dimensional qualities of space using referents as a gauge of measurement. The asymmetrical is a anomaly in nature as well as a straight line inasmuch as space tends to be curved by this or that as attractors in the storage of energy. The bi-folds of our dimension is best perhaps represented by Ouspensky's example of a tree in terms of symmetry..As in G Spencer Brown's observation, we seem to experience distortion as well as clarity in terms of the minds ability to simulate the environment as we seemingly are positioned between the image and the mirror.

Our pixelations as transceiving simulations wrought from the mind have buried within them perhaps a subcarrier wave  from this network that has with it, a subliminal message that the medium in of itself is the message. Certainly compelling yet an extremely narrow bandwidth. The screen is fraught with ghost images, intermittent reception, scrambled dialog, nonsensical messages non linear plot lines due to atmospheric distortions within the brain cavity due to the storm of autonomic impulses that continually erupt in a proverbial pinball arcade. Call it signal noise. The over talking of associative babble, the biological compulsion to chatter to oneself into a dreaming state of proportional vividness leaves few, if any gaps to cognate what is not immediately apparent. If one explores this territory, in terms of relationships, an astonishing reality emerges, we imagine relationships that are enfolded into images. In other words, you cannot experience another person directly in a relationship and so you and I imagine that person. Whether our dreams may have some foundation in repeatability, from this perspective, seems to be beside the point of recognizing just how powerfully our environment suggests to us, and we in turn conceptualize models of relations without knowing what they truly are.This is a much deeper territory than simply semiotics. It's where we live. 

Again, the dualism of chicken or egg formulations as to the nature of consciousness remain fraught with dualism. The brain chemistry theories of Oliver Sachs "Hallucinations" is re-digested by Paul Devereux by way of the link below. Paul suggests biochemistry is simply one color pulled from a spectrum and that chemistry is more of a vehicle than a root cause to dismiss the anomalous. To take Sach's premise to it's logical end result, the neural net is akin to the wires or chips of a electronic device being sentient in of themselves. Certainly, transmissions can be scrambled, however what is at the heart of all this is modality rather than root causations.

We can see the wine in the bottle but our corkscrew rationality cannot wrest the cork form the bottle. It could be the reason for this is we are within this bottle ourselves, limited to a naive pragmatism, a provincial soap bubble of an equally grand illusion, Readers of this blog know of an interest in Dr Persingers experiments at Laurentian University that explore environmental anomalies which are the other side of Dr Sach's coinage. One could call anomalous experiential reality a mutation and we are hopefully all familiar with the concept originated by Darwin that mutation is a drive of evolution.

Quantum Television
“Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination.” 
― Oscar Wilde

The visible as a broadcast medium, a sort of television of energy or a quantum film where what we see is not only edited by the means of reception, we can only see a mirrored reflection as a material manifestation when the medium becomes coherent by adapting to the spectrum of energy analogous to wavelengths.

You cannot have more than what you already have in hand to receive it whether it is a planet or a human being. The desire to have a high definition receiver as a evolutionary trending toward more sophisticated instruments seems to be stalled biologically in the early era of radio programming wherein one some days the reception is masked by high static noise and all we receive are messages bounced back from the moon dating to 1937. Perhaps we need a SETI program geared toward the nature of self awareness being entangled in more than one dimension..

The Rewiring of Choices
“Reality leaves a lot to the imagination.” 
― John Lennon
The valuation of the level of self awareness seems to be apparent in increasing or a decrease in the capability of a mind to attenuate itself. In other words, rewire itself. Perhaps, in other words to become distinct from the limitations of simply being a medium to having choices, that in turn beget  a wider bandwidth of potential as also analogous to a capacitor in the storage and transformation of energy , which interested Rodney Collin's work, and was also touched upon by G Spencer Brown's "laws of forms" which focused on distinctions as an arbiter of realities.

The Image and Imagination

Can an image(s) rewire the mind? In other words, create an intermediary state of unique  potential materiality that is also a potential medium to conceptualize the expansion of choices and therefore be more open to a wider bandwidth of the broadcast medium? The manipulation of images seem to be a pale lifeless imitation as a human behavior that reflects an inverse programming. To influence choice rather than to expand it. Many a metaphysical text refers to a sort of contest over this capability between the pathology of control to limit choices in opposition to opening them. Yet what is being influenced is not visible in of itself, which is the attenuation of receptivity to what may be that is not yet capable of finding a host to adapt itself to. Neither a chicken or an egg. Wave and form. Image and imagination as a key feature of how we rewire ourselves either by choice or by default by having no one occupying the drivers seat. A sort of cellular intelligence.Even in a vegetative state, the human mind rewires itself to adapt to new circumstances becoming something else entirely.

The Artists of Evolution: Creating New Distinctions
In other words, we may be limited by what we cannot imagine and yet there appears to be influences that attempt attenuation to transform what we consider possible, where even the clever hoaxer who congratulates himself on playing a trick on the mind, may be simply a pawn of forces larger than he can himself imagine by the deconstruction of the possible. Perhaps the word for this is Art rather than science. The Artists of hoaxes and the artists who attempt to envision what is seen by their own mediumship whether by pointillism or cubism or surrealism, or Photoshop by the manipulation of images and the imagined may serve an important force in evolution. In this context whether the object can be proven to exist is entirely beside the point. What I am addressing is the multiplication of distinctions that are instructive as if art in of itself is an internalized mirror of a quantum process. Is it real or is it imaged? It may be an isthmus of forces that are much larger than the capability to conceptualize it's influence as a broadcast medium. Then there are crop circles...a non verbal diffusion of mimics and the mimicked, images without a language and yet are a expression of ordering as a musical improvisation upon the adapted fixated paths of nature also subject to if to point elsewhere, and where elsewhere resides is neither here nor there through the quantum broadcast medium of a proverbial television. The pen, the stick, the brush has mutated. Energy itself as a hand to foment a differentiation of "how things work". All of this has been misplaced, perhaps predominantly lost as an observation buried in the psychological mythos of extraterrestrials, hoaxing mimics and largely self referential signal noise. A sort of consensus mind balm.

Buried in all this is the distinct possibility that we as receiving what are senses are capable of observing may have altered in relation to what we bring forth as conceptual models to allow our anticipation to match what is sent in a form of a new broadcast medium that is both material and non sensible, while remaining exempt from both as being defined by either localization root of an identifiable origin. Whether this possibility exists is outside the realm of what we do know versus what we do not in terms of being steered by images and imagination, pattern and differentiation  as Bateson noted “Information is a difference that makes a difference.” regardless of not having a utility in terms of a phenomenon being anthropomorphised as a tool rather than a medium that represents a phenomenon that appears to be non causal to our own orientation directly in any traceable manner and yet there it is.

Free Will Vs Sinking or Swimming In A River of Energy
The division of attention is could also be called the multiplication of attention. The question belongs to Ouspensky who asked if one can be aware of oneself while being under the influence of what is seen, as drawing a distinction between what is observed and the observer by the observer monitoring the bridge of being influenced or directed by images, and being aware of how these influences interact with oneself as a distinction, or is the observer simply being played as a medium like a associative and cellular player piano.
Again we have choice as a open ended wavelength to be attenuated by our capacity to separate ourselves from the proverbial flow of the river of energy within a certain spectrum that passes through us..Perhaps free will is a sort of potential rather than a given. What of the end product? Is one aspect of the human being's purpose is one to create not only distinctions, but by doing so, attenuate energy is a profoundly unique manner, therefore being more receptive not only to the broadcast medium but attenuating the medium itself?
Returning to the subject of patterns and distinctions being prone to mutations, the language of a non verbal yet sensory experience is music, the attenuation of wave energy upon a canvas we inhabit as atmosphere which is never directly observable. The musicality of the non verbal as a carrier of a unique new distinction, something that is innovative by way of reinventing old terms both in image and energy formulated to become simply a provocation rather than a coherent statement.

A Mirror Genome
The cartography of a hidden landscape that may be a genome of exchange that is broadcast through a mirror. Perhaps the art of creation is one of exchanges that create mutations, that in turn alter the genome.
Differentiation and pattern come to mind as being two sides of the same coin and ourselves occupying a unique position in a unimaginable process that fuels our own art of imaging what may be and thus being transformed by transforming a pattern by differentiation. Perhaps all of this are like the branches of an invisible tree whose roots are positioned into waves and the leaves of which, we see around us in this broadcast medium of what may be as translated by ourselves and our world as hosts and participants.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

A Retrospective Post

Some of you may recall my former blog, which focused on a wide range of paranormal subjects that was dispensed with both agnosticism and speculative ruminations. The blogs have always been a hobby on a subject I am intimately familiar with, while I claimed no expertise. I wanted to address the many aspects of the subject that no one else cared to look at in terms of writing on these subjects. Perhaps and maybe were words and terms I often used in order to clarify ruminations that led to a theoretical statement.
At that time, I would regularly submit topics to The Anomalist, which would add them to their daily compendium. The aim of this was to promote a dialog or exchange on the subject matter, which failed to jell, while the readership was interested in what I wrote as it remains that about forty to fifty percent spent over an hour reading the material at Intangible Materiality. I stopped looking at the stats due to the fact, they were an abstraction, although when over a half million visitors had been logged as reading what I had wrote, I noticed there was a disconnect between any dialog that resulted and statistics.
 Over time, Nick Redfern linked to some articles and I contributed several articles to New Dawn Magazine as well as taking part in two published books that were anthologies on paranormal subjects.  Only after his death did I know that Mac Tonnies enjoyed the blog, with whom I always felt a certain kinship with. So why did I scuttle the blog? Mac's death and more importantly, what he expressed made me think..not something I can say for the vast majority that has been written will ever be capable of. I thought to myself, so now what?

I was not going to pursue material elsewhere that has been covered to death in mythological terms. It was said that Mac lived in his head and did not take care of his health. I found myself having difficulty walking which seemed a nuisance, and when I visited a physician after being nagged about it, I found I was an inch away from paralysis. Hmmm.

There are several blogs that remain on line that shall remain nameless out of discerning a difference between respecting the authors and respecting the material that have become a self parody, or caricature of probing deeper into what makes an event an event. I did not want to repeat myself while sensing I could make a transition between this being a hobby and being more formal about the whole thing, knowing full well that there is no real living to be made in writing unless I severely compromised my own aims.
I had one individual whom I respect offer to edit Intangible into book form and shortly thereafter I lost interest in that project, that is to say, revisiting my output was not something I relished. In this interim, I posted some off and on internet material a UFO magazine, as a sort of half hearted effort to keep my own flagging interest in the audience for this sort of thing going. I collaborated in another site with Rick Phillips in founding what is called The C Influence but it morphed into something that did not appeal to me further rather than being pushed or pulled, I felt ambivalent about the results.

I began this blog with two goals in mind. One was that I would not submit material to The Anomalist as that proved a sort of silly pursuit in retrospect as my listings were paired with links to articles that I thought were either brain dead, exaggerations, or simply "dumb" I did not seek any stereotypes by association. Then I began Transit of Contingencies and this blog would stand stubbornly on it's own two feet to explore the obscure, the unapproachable, the unspoken issues that included the paranormal and the shift I wanted to emphasize was the enigma of life and consciousness in of  itself and how it intersected with what are considered paranormal contexts.

Readership plummeted, which I had anticipated and rather welcomed as I would not be barraged by comments that either were simply loopy, congratulatory or frightening. Some readers would skim the material I wrote and completely misinterpreted what I wrote for which I blamed myself, which was partly true as at that time I preferred a denser writing style.
Looking back today in thinking about where this led me, as Gurdjieff would say it led me back to myself and what is the great mystery, what a human being is, and more importantly what the human being is not. Myself in particular. The necessity of a healthy ego that prompts one to create in public can be a prelude to a downfall. Having a siege of cancer further diluted my focus from this hobby, which is fortunate in that to date, it has not popped back into the picture.
I suppose on thing that I did accomplish was to avoid what I thought were compromises to the material which is more important than abstract stats, seeking recognition or being influential..all these now seem naively childish.
Where to go from here? Further...the "high lonesome sound of gene Clark's "Silver Raven" courses in my blood but my blood has been thinned to prevent another heart attack, and yet somehow writing has been a means to challenge myself and I do not see that saga ending until I expire into being a a bag of meat.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

The Forensics of Self And The Paranormal

"She feels as if she's in a play. She is, anyway"
-Lennon\McCartney Penny Lane

The Biological Roots of The Intellect
The Janus mask of the two faces that bridge what is considered the normal and the paranormal is a formidable case of an identity crisis that is concealed in plain sight. The familiar as strange and the strange as familiar. If it is acknowledged  that not one, but many states that comprise a single manifestation is a hybridised flux,( not one state but a combination of several)  then what we have at hand is a cautionary tale of naive realism. This article describes the tight rope act and the precarious balance of self awareness and self skepticism required in any paranormal investigation.
Descriptors as self fulfilling, editorializing moats, conceptualizing platforms on which we float strictly as a means adapted to our biology. Simply put, how we label paranormal phenomenon is not only exclusionary, our labels also become substituted as strictly sensory definitions for the phenomenon  itself.  Again, what is described is not the object itself. Paradoxically, when we add the confounding quantum observer effect, science informs us is what we anticipate may create what we experience in a anomalous event. Consequently, our biological senses are severely limited as a sort of tunnel vision and our imagination often created the environment we inhabit as surely as the natural environment dictates outcomes. One could reduce this to a simple proposition. We imagine our existence in a very finely subtle manner.
One of the prime debates revolving around many aspects of the paranormal is the relationship of the observer to the observed, which is fundamentally entangled when one examines a anomalous event in retrospect. For all of us in the human condition, any descriptions of ourselves are not what we are describing. A subtle form of  misconception becoming a empirical path of investigation. The self referential becomes a curtain that the root causation of many a anomalous event hides behind as this situation becomes a case of us chasing our own tales, our own terms.

Seemingly, the axis of the the intellect as well as it's rational logic is a lens that falls prey to it's own limiting powers driven by the senses that are a biological limitation making the plural realities of manifestations a singular reality when the case is such, the visible, the sensible is separated from the non sensate and invisible by the eye, the nose as well as the ears and the sense of touch.
In a  paradox one could say the non physical mind informs the physical brain while the physical brain informs the non physical mind in terms of the strictly material nature of physicality as defined by our senses. Between the image and the mirror seems to be the least flawed imagery I can muster. Others have called this relationship analogous to an isthmus. Others have made a comparison of how islands in the worlds oceans appear to be independent of one another as defined by our sense of sight, which naturally is a heavily limited simulation in the photonic images with several layers of processing velocities. We wriggle in this web.

Dr John C Lilly seems to have bumped into this Self / Not Self   conundrum certainly a paranormal aspect of "normality" as being incommensurable to any material measurement.

"The most important things to do in science is to figure out who the human is and how he operates biochemically. We're never going to understand how the brain works. I always say that my brain is a big palace, and I'm just a little rodent running around inside it. The brain owns me, I don't Own the brain. A large computer can simulate totally a smaller computer but it cannot simulate itself, because if it did there wouldn't be anything left except the simulation. Consciousness would stop there...We don't know the basis for the human brain. As Von Neumann said, it was strictly by accident that we discovered multiplication, addition and subtraction first. If we discovered the mathematics of the brain we'd be way ahead of where we are now. There's no way to tell what the hell language the brain uses. Sure, you can show digital operations of the brain, you can analyze neural impulses traveling down your axons, hut what are those? Well, as far as I can see they are just a recovery from a system that's in the middle of the axon, and that's operating at the speed of light. Neuronal impulses going down the axons are just clearing up the laser points so that it's ready for the next one, continuously. It's like sleep. Sleep is a state in which the human biocomputer integrates and analyzes what went on the previous time it was outside, throws out all the memories that aren't going to be useful tomorrow and stores only those memories which will be useful. So it's a process like a big computer in which you have to empty memory and start over. We do this all the time."

Naming The Incommensurable
 It seems we fall heavily on the side of what is sensed in a way that seems like an analogy of gravity just as we are held to the ground as we spin in a circumscribed orbital rotation..One could say that the paranormal and the anomalous are never self disclosing but rather evident of entangled causation that is an effect rather than a source in of itself as a root cause. All of the above leads us to the rationality shared by the materialism of the mind as evidenced by metaphysics as well as the material sciences.
One can read hundreds of books about any specific species but until one encounters it, observes the species, we are left with the references of a referential language..which one could also term an effect of what we have yet to experience when we read these books. More is missing in our knowledge than is evidenced. by the rational logic of the intellect. The metaphysician of the 12th Century, Ibn Al Arabi  attempted capturing the entangled net between the described and the descriptors using a Neo-Plantonic  frame as applied to the created and the Creator in the terms of his epoch steeped in the religious crossroads of Andalusia. He attempted to bridge theology with what he termed the self disclosure of realities, through the lens of theological ruminations. To my way of thinking this is a very provocative mirror, exploring the nature of consciousness through the projected deification of He. Buried within this excerpt is an fascinating correlation between image or imaging ( as in the senses) and imagination. That linkage in of itself could be the gist of several further posts. If you substitute the theology of He with root causation that is behind the isthmus between quantum states, or the bridge between what we can configure and what cannot be measured, it makes his analysis strikingly similar to quantum physics as applied to both the senses as well as the material and non material classifications we use. Gurdjieff another metaphysical figure suggested everything is material, which means is that what we we cannot measure by sensory means is also material in nature. Absent that bridge being visible, active imagination or imaging or even manifestations as an effect are not the purview of dualism.

  "By the fact that He is the coincidentia oppositorum. . . . the entire universe of worlds is at once He and not-He (huwa la huwa). The God manifested in forms is at once Himself and other than Himself, for since He is manifested, He is the limited which has no limit, the visible which cannot be seen. This manifestation is neither perceptible nor verifiable by the sensory faculties; discursive reason rejects it. It is perceptible only by the Active Imagination (Hadrat al-Khayal...) at times when it dominates man's sense perceptions, in dreams or better still in the waking state (in the state characteristic of the gnostic when he departs from the consciousness of sensuous things). In short, a mystic perception (dhawq) is required. To perceive all forms as epiphanic forms (mazahir), that is, to perceive through the figures which they manifest and which are the eternal hexeities, that they are other than the Creator and nevertheless that they are He, is precisely to effect the encounter, the coincidence, between God's descent toward the creature and the creature's ascent toward the Creator. The "place" of this encounter is not outside the Creator-Creature totality, but is the area within it which corresponds specifically to the Active Imagination, in the manner of a bridge joining the two banks of a river. The crossing itself is essentially a hermeneutics of symbols, a method of understanding which transmutes sensory data and rational concepts into symbols (mazahir) by making them effect this crossing.
Ibn al-'Arabi (1165 - 1240)
The Self Versus the I
The act of comparative measurement of what are entangled states is a transitory effect, a benchmark on a objectified reference as it is carried away out of sight in a invisible river current of dancing waves and molecules that, by their nature as is the nature of the universe, is a indecisive chameleon.
The house of mirrors that dwells between the Self and I, the I being called in the past,  the false personality ( (personal identity as defined by the user) leads to materialism of magical spells in invocation and evocation. The binary of white magic versus black magic that utilizes emotions as a  mask for the pinnacle of behaviorism which also has a corralled in the material sciences. A sort of demented master of the universe who eventually falls down the staircase whilst making it's grand entrance. The atomic bomb, the genetic manipulations, drones, "artificial" intelligence, etc. One could reasonably conjecture than the term paranormal defines the human condition and in this there is great mystery as a human being has formidable odds defining what a human being is, when the definition is supplied by the subject. Dr John Lilly's commentary is apt.

The Self As an Elusive Objectification
This strange situation is a sort of unspeakable subject of conversation in polite company, yet there are those who have these fundamental questions in mind as they seek territorial imperatives by chasing  to capture UFO's, Bigfoot or ghosts as a fundamental comparison to derive their own identity beyond the falsities of personality as if this were a transcendent quest in search of a counter refutation to pose against the "alone-ness" of existentialism..It is analogous to working a problem inversely. If we cannot define ourselves using the Self, nor by external aspects of our environment ( much like Arabi's He\Not He logic which stated otherwise is neither but both in relationship) then a side excursion into mirror images of sentience as manifested in modelling ourselves into unique environments by way of these images makes sense, both in a Jungian sense as well as a matter of having no other immediate internal or external objectivity.

Yet it speaks volumes that what they seek "is as close to them as their jugular veins" while trekking through material realities and yet is more elusive than their anomalous species who walk over any definitive evidence of their material existence. Perhaps it is no coincidence that this situation of the human condition is mirrored by their quest to pin the incommensurable in their own terms. A sort of very subtle form of anthropomorphism in search of a mirror in order to view themselves. Yet what is between the mirror and the image is what dictates effects. This discernment is lost on 99% of those who beat the bushes while occupying a dream state of naive reality in search of what a human being is.