Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Anomalous Events, Milliseconds,and Seamless Discontinuity

One of the basic premises of dreams is that it is a simulation that is a processing of memory. In this process, it would be misinformed to say this is free association, in the sense that it has a linear structural narrative, rather than a random viewing of images. In this sense, our waking associations as they are formed in a semiotic relationship by way of problem solving become the basis of situational simulations. In one scenario, they are anticipatory, a rehearsal of future problem solving using comparisons, analogies and metaphors. In another they lay the basis of what the memory requires to process, again, in a linear, albeit recombinant use of imagery in these simulations experienced in yet another stage of dreams, which run in total ( for a full cycle of all stages, roughly 90 minutes. Over and over again we repeat these cycles throughout the night.
Since these are very virtual simulations, nature has taken care of the dangers inherit by the physical acting out of these simulations by essentially placing the body in a semi-paralysis. Much like the semi-paralysis reported in a majority of anomalous events.

So, in dreams, we have projection bias. Not any old image will do. We have essentially the same process occurring with the close encounters with alleged extraterrestrials, ghosts and other experiential simulations that again, appear to be result arising from the  processing of memory. In terms of anticipatory simulations, undoubtedly, there is the transplanting of one narrative from one person to another, either verbally or through various media. It is if these common traits ( which do occur more rarely) are reenacting a sort of rehearsal that simply put, places in experiential terms, what if this happened to me? The simulation then begins...

Time ( as in space) does not follow rules in dreams. A second can be several minutes, a full day can be fifteen minutes, while no dream obeys rules of waking time keeping. This is also true of many alleged paranormal encounters. There is discontinuity in dreams, that is to say, when we awaken from a pervasive dream, often times we are disoriented and are not aware of how long we have been in a dream state by the actual time elapsed.

Science knows that the mind and it's systems have certain speed limits in processing between a stimulation by sensory programs and our experience of them although they seem instantaneous to us. This is especially true of vision, which is not a seamless movie as it were, but rather a trick of the mind that makes single frames of discontinuous images appear to be as in a film projector, moving along with no dwell time between images.

The environment in very specific terms, at times appears to tamper with our impressions of being wakeful when we are not. Anyone who has taken a road trip in the car, notices that time ( or space) that is to say, the impression of it can be bent, shortened or stretched. This is particularly true if you are driving while "daydreaming" as one part of your brain drives along, another function is ruminating on this or that. Suddenly, we change states, and we are surprised at how far we have driven. Think of the incidents of missing time that have been reported, most famously by Betty and Barney Hill.

I suspect there is if you will a state very similar to a micro-burst where there is a discontinuous process prompted by the environment that organically  induces a extremely short ( in milliseconds) break in the continuity of the mind's processing and  then is interpreted by a change of state into full awareness that a dream has occurred that cannot be a dream, as we did not lie down to do so for even one minute. But perhaps we do for a millisecond, and in the processing of a comparative analysis, these experiential anomalies appear to have occurred in a waking state when they have not.

The entire ontology of experiential narratives has been turned upside down wherein one state has become inseparably entangled in another with no self awareness or conscious knowledge that this has occurred. And so we have real world environments which we are actually located in... having had a superimposition placed as an overlay as a parallel processes....that become seemingly one continuous process.. More on this I let this dust settle..

Monday, August 27, 2012

The Geophysical Connection To Anomalous Events

 "Whats The Frequency, Kenneth?"

During the course of writing the three interconnected posts that tied magnesium, hauntings, and close encounters with perceived "aliens" with a potential relationship between the environment and neurology, I reminded myself I had touched on this subject from a more oblique angle some time ago, regarding geophysical factors. These factors are known to science. however they have not been directly correlated to anomalous perceptions.
1.Electromagnetic field anomalies occur  by location and strength, and these have been accurately mapped. In the last post as well as the one prior, I looked at magnesium as a common element in a wide range of anomalous events, and noted that while not having a magnetic field of it's own, it serves as a conductor of such fields. The distribution of this element constitutes a potential cartographic overlay against the reported frequency of such events. The second overlay would be the map of  the distribution of magnetic field strengths.
2. Gravitional anomalies are the difference between the observed acceleration of Earth's gravity and a value predicted from a model. A location with a positive anomaly exhibits more gravity than predicted. In other words, it is well known and another instance of cartographic location that, in effect created yet another potential overlay. A sample from the USG is shown below.

Then we have these effects distributed by their interaction with human neurology, which also has a electrical field, albeit a very weak biochemical neural net with their associated nervous systems. No two individuals have the same biology, sensitivities, etc. Whether you are discussing allergies, genetic disposition or any other physical trait that informs the mind and the mind informing the body, we have statistical anomalies as well. Some cases are rarer than others.
So is there a geophysical connection to neurology and it's weak transceptive electromagnetic field, that could potentially trigger an anomalous event?
Here is a scientific report by Dr Persinger worthy of note and the link to the full paper in PDF format is pasted below. It has a direct bearing on this post.

More to follow..

Sunday, August 26, 2012

More On Magnesium...And Anomalous Events

"Magnesium In the Heavens As It Is On Earth.. "

The last two postings I had placed here serve as background for this post. The last was on the strange role of magnesium in anomalous atmospheric phenomenon. The other, prior to that post, was on the common characteristics of ghost phenomenon associated with structures and the reported "ghosts" associated with close encounters with this anomalous aerial phenomenon.
On the topic of magnesium in Eureka Springs, Arkanasas, the historic 1886 Crescent Hotel and Spa is often noted for the wide range of paranormal phenomenon, among them the observation of "ghost" images that appear to represent quite a wide range of characters that often, observers equate with those who are deeply associated with the history of this edifice.Interestingly, this structure's load bearing walls are the work of masons , who began this project in 1884, utilizing extremely heavy magnesium limestone. Another structure made from this material that has the same effect of producing phantom phenomenon is the Hotel Monteleone in New Orleans. Geologically, in the United States, when one looks for deposits of this material, it is interesting to note certain correlations. More on this in a future post. Of course, in the U.K we have more famous examples of this material and variations thereof, associated with what is loosely termed "paranormal experiences."

Further,  much of the Magnesian Limestone is dolomite, i.e. calcium magnesium carbonate, and has been for many years the main source of dolomite-rock in Britain. It is used in connection with the production of refractory bricks but also for aggregate for road-building and other construction purposes. It is also used in the production of agricultural lime.
 The old term for the mineral is magnesia. Stones from the Magnesia region in ancient Anatolia contained both magnesium oxide and hydrated magnesium carbonate as well as iron oxides (such as magnetite). Thus these stones, called Stones from Magnesia in antiquity, with their unusual magnetic properties were the reason the terms magnet and magnetism were coined. Periclase is usually found in marble produced by metamorphism of dolomitic limestones.
Changing the context of our exploration of magnesium, we turn to Sweden's famous "ghost rockets." wherein magnesium was a speculative element in this phenomenon as well. One thinks of the slag associated with other anomalous aerial phenomenon cases.
"The best known of these crashes occurred on July 19, 1946, into Lake KšlmjŠrv, Sweden. Witnesses reported a gray, rocket-shaped object with wings crashing in the lake. One witness interviewed heard a thunderclap, possibly the object exploding. However, a 3 week military search conducted in intense secrecy again turned up nothing. The Swedish Air Force officer who led the search, Karl-Gšsta Bartoll, was interviewed in 1984.
He said their investigation suggested the object largely disintegrated in flight. He speculated that the object may have been made of material designed to disintegrate, the military concluding that the object was "probably manufactured of a light-weight material, possibly a kind of magnesium alloy." Bartoll insisted that "what people saw were real, physical objects."
Immediately after his investigation in 1946, Bartoll submitted a report in which he similarly stated that the bottom of the lake had been disturbed but nothing found and that "there are many indications that the KšlmjŠrv object disintegrated itself...the object was probably manufactured in a lightweight material, possibly a kind of magnesium alloy that would disintegrate easily, and not give indications on our instruments."
Is there a pattern to be followed? I suspect there is.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Bright Magnesium Threads In a Needle

"Tiger, Tiger, Burning Bright.."

Magnesium particulate matter found in crop deformations apparently interacting with focused high frequency microwave energy and then the seeming high grade of ballast of the same material jettisoned into the atmosphere by what appear to be unknown vehicles of an unknown nature lead me to ruminate on the nature of magnesium. The incentive to write this post was the 1957-The Ubatuba metal fragments, analyzed to be of a high grade of purity of the element, magnesium. The fragments followed a violent explosion. In it's natural state, magnesium is not combustible as it is covered with an oxide. However if it does combust, it burns at well over 5,000 degrees F. Molten magnesium in association with high degrees of luminosity are intriguing as observed in unknown aerial phenomenon.
As Billy Cox of Devoid asked aloud:  "For nearly 20 years, with an assist from New York businessman John Burke, Talbot and Michigan biophysicist W. C. Levengood have been analyzing crop circle grains, which suggest an exposure to and damage from extreme heat. Expulsion cavities in blown stem nodes, stunted seed germination, abnormal cell-wall enlargement, traces of melted magnetic minerals adhesed to the soil — none of this stuff gets a fair hearing in the press. And what’s up with the magnesium carbonate?"
Indeed the thread ,or, if you will, the trail of magnesium seems indelibly linked to paranormal experiential realities both psychological and empirical.
Magnetically inert in it's natural state, lightweight, and yet can be used to conduct electromagnetic force as a metallic medium. It has been comparatively recently explored as an element in metal-atmospheric electrochemical cells that would comprise a battery system aside for the potential for harvested magnesium being a potential source for a heat engine, rather than coal oil or natural gas. The interesting connection as a point of speculation in regard to magnesium as a fuel is the observed harvest of water made by many a anomalous craft. Is this a case of refueling?
Due to magnesium ion's high solubility in water, it is the third most abundant element dissolved in seawater and it is not found in it's metallic state naturally on Earth. The purity level of magnesium in physical ground trace evidence further extends the exponential role of magnesium in  terms of strangeness in terms of the extensive processing this level of purity would require. Above all, a balance of magnesium is vital to the well being of all organisms in terms of neurobiology and a over abundance or lack of this element underlines biological survivability. Magnesium is a relatively abundant ion in the lithosphere and as well as in the hydrosphere. It can be highly flammable capable of brilliantly intensive light. Recalling the luminosity study that was published in the 1998 Sturrock Report on atmospheric anomalies, it came to mind that  if a direct comparative measurement of luminosity of magnesium to the measured light source of these odd events could be compared...
Magnesium flares dropped from conventional aircraft are often misidentified as unidentified aerial craft.In some instances it seems possible that these flares always dropped by military craft are reactive exercises, to mask and provide a seemingly air tight explanation of a prosaic nature as the causation of unidentified atmospheric phenomenon. Then again, perhaps not. Interestingly,since aircraft and helicopters could (and still can) counter surface-to-air and air-to-air missiles with the substance, it was a classified issue until the mid-1980s. It was not until 1997 that the U.S. government released a formerly classified invention. Are craft in the vicinity of unknown atmospheric phenomenon  not only potentially providing plausible deniability but also taking the precaution of deploying defensive measures against a potentially heat seeking tracking device? Perhaps, perhaps not. Or, if the signatures match, is this a means to confuse tracking devices using light levels as a targeting nexus? Others have suggested a form of psychological doubt being placed in advance should another flap occur, rather than a post event misdirection of attention, or worse, a purposeful tampering with direct perception leading it's aim, a sort of existential ambivalence. Not trusting what you observe. Case in point from The Daily Caller out in Utah.

"An unidentified flying object was filmed dropping flare-like objects over Utah last week, leaving locals to wonder if they had experienced a close encounter with alien spacecrafts.
“They looked like they were flying in formation perfectly together and then whatever was dropping looked like it was burning real bright,” witness Mike Galbraith told Utah’s ABC 4. An Air Force veteran, Galbraith says that the trails of white lights falling from the objects were not military flares. “They usually shoot out the sides, or they shoot down, and there are a lot of them and you could definitely hear them.” Galbraith said the UFOs were silent.
According to AOL News, local airports and military installations have offered no explanation for the lights.
“I don’t believe in extraterrestrials,” said local resident Lynette Chidester. “I noticed over the roof of the garage a red light and a white light, and the red light isn’t flashing like an airplane light does — that’s what drew my attention to it.”
She then saw the streaks of white, glittering light reported by other witnesses like Galbraith. “Out of the red light comes, like, a firework — the phosphorescent silver — it’s coming down out of it and I thought, ‘OK, I’ve never seen that before.” Residents reported seeing the lights for 15 minutes before they flew away."

Whether purposeful or not, an effect has been had wherein this is now business as usual and military drops of magnesium flares seemed to appear in flaps similar to those attributed to unknown aerial phenomenon.
Flew away?

Interestingly, the symptoms of Hypermagnesemia, or an overabundance of magnesium in the bloodstream mimic some reported effects of close encounters with unknown phenomenon such as nausea, vomiting and hypertension and yet, it's effects on the nervous system, in the same case of an excess of magnesium, more channels will be blocked and nerve cells will have less activity, less responsive, less felt. Then there is the matter of third or second degree burns whose heat engine remains a mystery. Bear in mind, again,magnesium burns at 5,610 °F. Even at a distance, it can sear flesh. Another case came to mind, which is the Cash-Landrum case, where radiation illness played a large role as well as an unknown source of high ambient atmospheric temperatures. Interestingly, in the process of refining and the processing of magnesium, radioactive isotopes are released..Is there a process of manipulating magnesium of which we are unaware. Based on what I know, it's more likely than not.
 When burned in the atmosphere, it is associated with an acrid smell similar to that of ammonia.
Analysis of ground trace physical evidence, according to Dr Jacques Vallee "under the direction of Prof. Peter Sturrock has been conducted at Stanford University and at various laboratories in France, including Orsay University, confirming that the material was magnesium and magnesium oxide, with a very minute amount of impurities,5 primarily aluminum, calcium and iron. Analysis of this sample is still ongoing, with an effort to measure isotopic ratios that might help establish the origin of the material.."

Of course the magnesium connective tissue is simply coincidence or is this a label like a post it note reminding us to return later to determine the substance of these associations? Is it magnesium?

Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Ufological Rebellion of The Dead

A Stroll Into The Dark With The Undead

“Now I know what a ghost is. Unfinished business, that's what.”
― Salman Rushdie

“It's not only what we have inherited from our father and mother that walks in us. It's all sorts of dead ideas, and lifeless old beliefs, and so forth. They have no vitality, but they cling to us all the same, and we can't get rid of them.”
― Henrik Ibsen

"To have an answer does not necessarily constitute a solution"
-The Author

The Gate of Correspondences In Alien and Human Hauntings
1. The evolution of craft types over the centuries may represent both a very limited exhibition of opportunism and a lack of choice on the part of the actors inasmuch as they are parasitic in nature derived from  anticipation wrought from the host observer. In another words, not a tactic to be decided upon but rather a need taking advantage of what already exists in terms of a conceptual model  of the host. This corresponds to the many modalities of "personalities", images, and other variables one encounters where one anticipates it, in abandoned homes, remote woods etc much like the remote locations of close encounters with alleged aliens. One could carry this thought further and speculate that EVP recordings are also parasitic in nature, matching anticipation with a bank of information held by individuation as well as at their root, shared conceptual narratives from the human environment.. This goes beyond a feedback loop into choices made by the repetition of matches between the observer and the observed, by way of specific editing on the part of what is observed. There is very little of any "accidental" content.

2. The instantaneous appearance and disappearance of concreted images from #1 that is shared by both UFO phenomenon and ghost encounters.
3. The ability to walk through walls.
4. The ability to speak or communicate without an audible source, directly to the observer.
5. Energetic PSI effects.
6. The observed ability to glide rather than to walk in a strictly bipedal fashion.
7. Mixed messages, incoherent narratives supplied by actors dependent on what one anticipates hearing.
8. Sensations of an energized atmosphere. VLF or VHF tracings.
9. Atmospheric alterations in terms of humidity as related to temperature, at times, accompanied by #8.
10.  Various forms of possession as compared to abductions, the similarities therein.
11. Raised ambient electromagnetic activity.
12 Ghost creatures can range from dogs, to shadows of an exaggerated height, humanoid images taken from the local history, composite creatures, child like, etc just as in the variety of creatures observed in close encounters.
13. Interference with DC storage batteries (drainage )and other equipment. At time there can be interference with shielded cabling as well as some A.C equipment, and the distortion of magnetic fields.
14. A localized atmospheric smell described variously as sulfurous, rotten or acrid. 

Both UFO close encounters, at time share some if not all of these chief features and characteristics.

A Question of Disambiguation
What is an actor without a stage? Is it the stage that gives meaning to the actor? Without a set and setting for the animation of behaviorism, the script that arises from it is fairly worthless to living creatures and perhaps a quandary to the dead. The state of possession for the living is undoubtedly biology.

Are the phantasms of close encounters staged? Can the tools of the rational intellect be used to manipulate it?  More importantly, the question weighs on those who have been there inasmuch as we assume reality as we know it is an impervious solid object encased in a sort of amber.
I suggest it is not by any stretch of the most critically intellectual minds. Yet like the carefully arranged piano keys and the wires that conduct what is played upon in an order pleasing to the ear... have discord synthesized into a self ordering causation that is pleasing to the ear, nothing more and conceals the holes in this fabric.Yet these compositions of the mind may be simply self serving to the point wherein they are predictably prone to tampering, with an aim in mind. Perhaps the faceless chose their masks according to who is looking based on their cultural grounding, cross contaminating influences, all further divided by individuation. A kaleidoscope. Think of how simplistic it is to say because a creature looks like an alien, it must be an extraterrestrial and yet how long has a alternative, institutionalized wild goose chase been conducted simply on this premise? As a supposition, what if this wild goose chase is so? A fools errand, a trick of the light that conceals darkness? The narrative then becomes even more anomalous than seeing an actual extraterrestrial.

The Native Americans who perhaps have a longer history in regard to these wide variety of phantoms use such words as "shape shifter" or shin walker" to describe these camouflaged creatures. It is also interesting to note that to pay too much focus on their existence is to invite them to engage them in this game.. To speak of them in many tribes is an unspoken taboo, for this reason.
Also, one thinks of how interest in these sort of things moves in waves as does the corresponding "flaps" that follow as many minds are entrained to specific images, scenarios etc, as if one feeds the other accordingly which is also in line with many a native American belief. Simply coincidence? I suspect it is not in this odd variant of a player piano that unrolls a script for the digestion of the homeless vagrants of the psyche.

We have countless examples of this having happened and yet this may be a tail with a double twist in the narrative, that eludes our approach due to a certain squirming of deeply buried uncertainties regarding existence itself.
We prefer light to darkness and shy away from the our own peril. This is, if anything, an irony of the human condition. Perhaps it is the entrapment of certain buffers, moats, membranes that allow us to think the grass is greener on the other side. A dangerous dilemma faces us if we ignore an alternative. Perhaps is the axis on which all things turn, which are images, composites and imaging itself is a pinhole camera, a reality tunnel as suggested by Robert Anton Wilson.

With this comes pretense as a means of exchange, and the question is, what is for sale? Is our pretense, a commodity to be used as one would a automobile, or a ladder? Is our certainty ripe for deconstruction as a means to create a proverbial carrier wave that allows creatures that are as close to us as our jugular veins yet unknown to us to feed on our crops of defining behaviorism's An intentional monkey wrench to separate, divide against a middle to create ambiguity in the intellect which may be a slight of hand that becomes living memory onto which the faceless may reside.

“Do we not each dream of dreams? Do we not dance on the notes of lost memories? Then are we not each dreamers of tomorrow and yesterday, since dreams play when time is askew? Are we not all adrift in the constant sea of trial and when all is done, do we not all yearn for ships to carry us home?”
― Nathan Reese Maher

 For us, the living it is a vehicle, a experiential distinction that is relentlessly recombinant. There have been phantom trucks, phantom automobiles that have given the living a close encounter, more of them that I can recount here. Phantom ships that pursue their initial courses. Then we have in our age phantom space vehicles who from time to time, give the living a ride upon apparitional stagecraft.What is the purpose of these exchanges? Then, there are, from time to time, phantom airplane crashes..that are as diaphanous as phantom space vehicles.

When is a phantom plane crash not a phantom plane crash in relation to the naivety that falls between the skeptic and the uncertainty as a blanket? The anomalous tells us that there are huge portions of our vocabulary for which we have no terms and more importantly, neither the skeptic by inverse logic nor the researcher by their intellect can substitute words for the experiential, especially when it demonstrates ambiguity that we have a behavioral tick as the plight of our condition, the lost cause of disambiguation.

Or consider the accounts collected by Jose Caravaca, bearing in mind, a cross referencing or correspondance to that of other phanton encounters, we would catagorise as "ghosts". Yet because they appear to be A, they may be B, or C, or "other" we take them at their face value at their most shallow appearance, they appear to be on a deeper level what they are most certainly are not, which gives rise to a further consideration of a fakery that knows a great deal about our fallacies and it may be that this may be experientially true of a contingent our of terrestrially based sentience who are dire opportunists.

 "I abandoned the extraterrestrial hypothesis in 1967 when my own field investigations disclosed an astonishing overlap between psychic phenomena and UFOs ... The objects and apparitions do not necessarily originate on another planet and may not even exist as permanent constructions of matter. It is more likely that we see what we want to see and interpret such visions according to our contemporary beliefs."- John Keel
More on this later.

Division Versus Multiplication To Derive a Sum.
The entire issue of disambiguation of the anomalous is that are vectors for making the liminal empirical may be myths we tell ourselves unwittingly by anticipation. Our coloring book of semantics may be a mythology in relation to the brackets of our language which then, in turn, often creates belief, in what may a random  syllabus, that superimposes our most buried instinctual fears into fairy tales, happy endings that follow a linear arc that folds together all the existential uncertainties we have with a self comforting blanket of an eternity under the term "heaven", much imagined as satirized by Kurt Vonnegut,a proverbial never ending birthday party full of balloons, treats and a celebratory host of companions that never ends.

"When a man begins to know himself a little he will see in himself many things that are bound to horrify him. So long as a man is not horrified at himself he knows nothing about himself."
-P.D. Ouspensky

 That this may be so, is something we do not speak of in polite company as it is taboo, without ever being labelled as such. In my own research, there are no "sacred cows". Everything must be sifted irregardless of the consequences in terms of the comforting in isolation that we offer ourselves when the well laid plan of a neat narrative arc goes South. Deconstruction is a two sided blade.

 “My way of learning is to heave a wild and unpredictable monkey-wrench into the machinery.”
― Dashiell Hammett, The Maltese Falcon

Where does this blanket arise it may be that what we do know is more disquieting than what we don't know..and making "sense" of this quandary leads us to compartmentalize slings from arrows. UFOs from other apparitions, ghost imagery of the dead from purported close encounters with extraterrestrials..a sort of basic syllabus, a coloring book..It was Carl Jung who rightfully stated that; "We should not pretend to understand the world only by the intellect. The judgment of the intellect is only part of the truth." The babble of ITC conjoined to mixed messages of both "alien" and discarnate jokers who are as serious in this game as a heart attack. The joke is on us perhaps..

Keep in mind that in these days, it takes more courage to say one does not know than to say one does know. This is the thread of the human condition, warts and all..we substitute terms for critical thought which requires uncertainty to begin with on our little journey. The overwhelmingly striking correspondences between NDE, OBE and "alien abductions" ( which I term inductions) have been placed to the side of a result of our buying into the game that is being played. We have largely fallen for it hook, line and sinker. That is the point of the exercise.
I think John Keel came very close to this realization as outlined in his ruminations on the subject.

 “There is a time in the life of every boy when he for the first time takes the backward view of life. Perhaps that is the moment when he crosses the line into manhood. The boy is walking through the street of his town. He is thinking of the future and of the figure he will cut in the world. Ambitions and regrets awake within him. Suddenly something happens; he stops under a tree and waits as for a voice calling his name. Ghosts of old things creep into his consciousness; the voices outside of himself whisper a message concerning the limitations of life. From being quite sure of himself and his future he becomes not at all sure. If he be an imaginative boy a door is torn open and for the first time he looks out upon the world, seeing, as though they marched in procession before him, the countless figures of men who before his time have come out of nothingness into the world, lived their lives and again disappeared into nothingness. The sadness of sophistication has come to the boy. With a little gasp he sees himself as merely a leaf blown by the wind through the streets of his village. He knows that in spite of all the stout talk of his fellows he must live and die in uncertainty, a thing blown by the winds, a thing destined like corn to wilt in the sun.”
― Sherwood Anderson

Faceless Masks and A Game of Parasitic Existence
Encounters that once reported, take on a life of their they represent laying the groundwork of a substituted stage for the digestion of the human psyche to provide a means of erstwhile existence, a compromise  between the living and the dead that has been a very effective trick, a manipulation, complete with PSI effects that avoids a heavenly "reward"? Perhaps to some this reward is a game akin to the stalker who proffers candy to an innocent, perhaps the dead see their situation as far from roses, roses..."a thing blown by the winds"..

From little acorns, big trees grow in the mind in a semiotic entanglement of "manifested" signs and the signified, all individuated and yet all are networked much like the internet in perhaps what is a physics of information that is but a stage, for yet another more complex and sophisticated process that uses this as much as we do in eating an apple, or some other forms of sustainable like images, emotions, the intellect..each is a proverbial farmstead of undigested beef for absorption that may be but a subset within an equation we cannot access, and so we dream and imagine what life may represent, not knowing the relationship of the eating and the eaten, which is the gist of mythos.  Are the 57 varieties of alleged alien encounters represent a contingent of creatures without a face? Not possessing a stage, perhaps this is the impetus to create one, borrowing from us like pick pockets..If this is so, then nothing is true and everything is in a twist of our psyche's clothing. A necessary trick.

When I read Michael Prescott's essay on the deleterious psychological effects on the rational and necessary critical thinking needed to retain one's balance and orientation to prosaic reality, that lead some who delve into ITC or other ghost behaviors, specifically communications or exchanges to suicide, some to gullibility, some to disassociation, I was struck by the correspondence with the demise and \or decline of some famous examples of who researched UFOs. Is this simply a striking coincidence?

 I think of others who have been manipulated and hoisted by their own petards when entangled with such hungry ghosts, beyond researchers of both UFO phenomenon and ghost communications, the most well known that comes to mind is Phillip K Dick, author of Blade Runner,and more importantly, the semi-autobiographical VALIS, The word VALIS is the acronym for Vast Active Living Intelligence System. Later, PKD theorized that VALIS was both a "reality generator" and a means of extraterrestrial communication.
Thus, PKD depending on the witness you speak to, experienced either a severely transiently psychotic episode or actually encountered a form of sentience that twisted him into ontological knots that later took on a literary patina.

To mask:

 To cover with a decorative or protective mask.
2. To make indistinct or blurred to the senses: spices that mask the strong flavor of the meat.
3. To cover in order to conceal, protect, or disguise. See Synonyms at disguise.
4. To block the view of: Undergrowth masked the entrance to the cave.
5. To cover (a part of a photographic film) by the application of an opaque border.
6. Chemistry To prevent (an atom or a group of atoms) from taking part in a normal reaction.
1. To put on a mask, especially for a masquerade ball.
2. To conceal one's real personality, character, or intentions.

Are we possessive in our being possessed in a biological host, where the stomach of personality to digest experience becomes a matter of self definition and self distinction in that we, not another, distinguishes ourselves as to where we understandably discount that we are played by the piano? What happens when the lease ends, the piano is taken away, the actor loses the context of the stage? Is this the quandary of the dead who refuse to go gently into the light of night? Be absorbed or attempt to repossess as best they can, the stage, the piano, the tenuous lease? Such ghosts would be possessive, territorial and in the throes of an addiction to being defined, to repossess their homes so to speak. Habitation as a necessity of life beyond simple biology. The collective and individuated subconscious as the Janus face that is revealed as our shadow when the props are pulled out in terms of the mind's engagement with waking engagement by exchanges of navigation and orientation may have more to do with enthrallment as a form of possession for which no text can be anything other than incommensurable to this entanglement, albeit a transitory dance.

 "Anyone who wants to know the human psyche will learn next to nothing from experimental psychology.  He would be better advised to abandon exact science, put away his scholar's gown, bid farewell to his study, and wander with human heart through the world.  There in the horrors of prisons, lunatic asylums and hospitals, in drab suburban pubs, in brothels and gambling-hells, in the salons of the elegant, the Stock Exchanges, socialist meetings, churches, revivalist gatherings and ecstatic sects, through love and hate, through the experience of passion in every form in his own body, he would reap richer stores of knowledge than text-books a foot thick could give him, and he will know how to doctor the sick with a real knowledge of the human soul". -- Carl Jung

Tunnel Visions
Perhaps the white light defines death, not eternal life but the mind gives rise to the same anticipatory buffers it utilized to navigate vividly experiential mixed messages. Perhaps a sizable population of the dead feels cheated, abides no such ultimate risk as to a happy ending..which is simply what eternal life, I suppose, portrays as some sort of reward, gift or what have you..that masks absolute annihilation of  this this little seed pod floating about between the pages of a meta-novel of their own creation. I recall a exchange I had with a certain prominent researcher formerly associated with Bigelows paranormal research, who related in turn, his conversation in this regard with a Siberian Shaman whose take on the dead came as a sharp left turn to him , in the weighing of unrequited torture, sudden death..all of those nasty bits we sweep under the carpet until the carpet becomes Mount Everest in terms of unfinished business. Then that chapter of "Holy Planet Purgatory" that lodged itself in my head by way of Gurdjieff regarding the transit of the dead who lack an spacial orientation to the living outside of the information of the mind's neurology and physics that I continue to wrestle with as if I were attempting to walk upside down on the ceiling.

Besides all I have mentioned, there are also there the very best, in regard to convenience as well as to speed, what are called ‘Egolionopties,’ or, as they are still sometimes called, ‘Omnipresent-platforms.’
“These Egolionopties freely move in all directions in the atmosphere of the holy planet, at any desired speed, even at that speed in which the second degree suns of our Universe fall...."

All of this gestating, fermenting over spacial ruminations..

The dead may surmise accurately that they own nothing but themselves, and by hook or crook they become parasitic to the living by guile, opportunism and manipulation. In mass, perhaps they have become rebellious against the constitution of the game that allows no opting out, the possession of the possessed, may have created an unseen form of perverse ( to some) evolution, to repossess life by way of the living, to live through our fruits that we bear to their table by our nature.

Their works are perhaps staged using our own raw materials as they have none. The MIB may be ghosts who ward off the scent of any rebellion, wherein the dead have found  a means to reenter life by "omnipresent platforms" whose many images constitute a substitute vehicle outside of the carrier wave of the human mind..
"A man in Minnesota wrote to me recently about his problem with men-in-black. He called them morticians. He thought that their manner and looks were like those of a mortician in an English comedy. He was seeing them all over his home town.
There are several areas to this whole weird business. On one hand we have real UFO phenomena -- strange lights passing over the earth, probably since time began. The UFO intelligences are aware that we are going to see these lights occasionally when conditions are just right so they have to give us an explanation. Different generations have been given different explanations.
These intelligences have staged whole events over a long period of time to support those explanations. We have the fairy faith in Middle Europe; we have the vampire and various other kinds of legends. We have the mysterious airships in 1897. Now we have spaceships. But all of these things are nothing but a cover for the real phenomenon -- whatever it is.
On the ground, as well as in the air, there are real things happening that they don't want us to know about, so they give us lots of cover stories. The men-in-black support the cover stories in many of these instances.
What they are trying to hide may be frightening, even incomprehensible to us, but it does seem that they are using us in some fashion.
It may be more than a rumor that young people are being collected from college campuses after the memories of their families and friends have been altered so that they will not remember the existence of these children. As farfetched as this sounds, there may be more truth to it than to some of the other theories we are kicking around.
We are being used in some fashion, and UFO intelligences don't want us to discover how they are using us. So all this other stuff is camouflage. And I keep trying to peel away the layers of this camouflage. I keep trying to come up with something real and substantial.
Perhaps if we could find out what they are doing to us, we could stop them. But once we found out what it was, they might stop of their own volition. And do something else for a change. It may be the end of the game once we figure out what they are doing to us." -John Keel 1973

The more we react, the more the food of the dead is offered on an altar of energy entrained to their "existence" so to speak.The demonic is used to label that which is poised against life, but then again this may be a invasion of hungry ghosts see their absorption or annihilation as demonic as say, we would an atomic flash, and so there is a strange moral , or lack of moral grounding regarding this except for what vested interest you have in regard to what ground you hold from whence your judgement is made, albeit with a surfeit of knowledge.This certainly doesn't strike as a monarchical universe, but more like a free for all in heaven as it is on Earth. Somewhat disquieting, but then again, so is life at it's core, yes?

A Zoology of Masks
Perhaps the dead will return to walk the earth, perhaps they have found the means as above, so below as they say..vehicles of the dead... empty masks without a face... creatures without a taxonomy.....ghosts of strange airships..... gigantic orbs, as blobs or.... The Greys..take your pick..both of  all and none of the above stagecraft used to gain entrance into the world of the living. What do they want? Life on any degree or term..Can they have it? After a fashion perhaps, like the shells concreted by images wrested from the minds of the living, as a dispossession anchored to everywhere and nowhere in particular, like a flock of birds, the dead range above us and of course are embryonic within us in a dialog that lacks a context. There are few places but in the mind where the twain meets.